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AuthorGift exceeded 30% of wealth
Gsuwit transfers
where is
09-20-09 23:32: Transferred 400000 Gold to Hyaken : not for sale i really invite u
09-20-09 23:24: Received 400000 Gold from Hyaken : thanks for the Thief invitation
09-20-09 23:13: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Hyaken


Hyaken doesn't know the rules of gifts so it's not his fault and the prove is he DID transfer 400 000 gold for TGI price




[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-09-21 20:07:18 // Do not use full caps]

Something wrong with you?

yeah you use it to invite yourself to the guide not others!
And if so then they have to either buy it or rent it otherwise then it's cheating!

you will get blocked And hyaken might take a huge penalty or block if he's yr multi!

converstation is over
3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month. Monetary property is considered: gold + seven primary resources (wood, ore, mercury, sulfur, crystals, gems, leather) only. Rare trophies, Thief invitations, etc. transferred as gifts are valued at market price.

note: Rare trophies, Thief invitations, etc. transferred as gifts are valued at market price.
Thief invitations currently worth around 380000 gold on the market
u win hatbekkid
hyaken will sent tgi back
when he online
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-09-22 19:07:45 // No opinions if you aren't related to the application]
i already sent back the TGI to Gsuwit altough i need the TGI sooner or later. i will buy it from the market when i need it.

09-21-09 19:28: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Gsuwit

im not multi to anyone. this is my main and the only account.
problem solved
bullshitname's transfers


bullshitname transfered all his gold to tristan29 for leaving the game.
i received some mails form traian2,cezar21,cezar27 and also resources and they said i need to give all the money and elements to tristan29.....if not they will block me....i hav a profit on roullete but now the money are to tristan29...i have spoken with him and he said that he doesnt know whats happeining....he was warned cause of cheating but he stopped now!so...i do not what to do maybe i would give the money to someone else cause i were allready qitting form lordswm
Sorry for posting here, but somebody needs to give an answer to bsn.

They cannot block you. You have 2 options: send the gold and resources back to those players, or send them to Empire (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=9). You don't need to quit for that.
but if we forget it all tristan29 will be blocked?i do not want to be tristan29 blocked cause of me just let in play in peace cause i alredy quit this game so there is no problem!
if you want to block someone block them traian2 cezar21 cezar27 they are the problem!!!!tristan29 is my friend and i know he is not guilty at all
No, tristan29 will not be blocked for that if he doesn't accept the gold and resources. Many players got such "presents" and they sent them back or to Empire. No action was taken against them and I don't see any reason for tristan29 to be blocked if he doesn't accept that present.
for tristan29:
but if we forget it all tristan29 will be blocked?i do not want to be tristan29 blocked cause of me just let in play in peace cause i alredy quit this game so there is no problem!
weird comment? bullshitname is the one who is quiting and sent all his gold to you

so now we know there has been password transferring, or both accounts belong to the same person all along

3.7. Password transfer to a different user and collective account managing are forbidden.
if not they will block me....
for bullshitname they can't block you!
only adminstration can!
is that the reason why you're quiting?
no,i were already quiting form lords cause i was bored!so i do not care just dont want to block tristan29...
i do not care just dont want to block tristan29...
Now you are quiting!
You Don't care! i do not care
So why are you worries if a STRANGER from a game will get blocked!
I suspect multi...
worries worried
typing mistake sorry
So why are you worries if a STRANGER from a game will get blocked!
cause is my fault if he get blocked for no reason
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