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Proud of your ambush record vs other players and want a chance to be featured? Check out my profile page to see my offer. I don't know if this will catch on but I am giving it a shot. Please keep this thread free of comments so it appears clean and professional.
Player: Modi
Created: 4-7-09
Clan: League of Shadows

Total Ambush Record: 158-44 78% success
Ambushed by player record: 106-33 76% success defeating ambusher
Ambush vs player record: 52-11 83% success

Featured Records Modi vs. Clans win/loss
Elite Warriors: 17-3
Dragon Slaughter: 12-3
Brotherhood of Thieves: 14-4
Dragon Alliance: 22-11
Warriors Guild: 17-2
Dragon Heroes: 9-2
Rivendale: 4-5
Polish Elite: 8-1
Warriors Guild Wrath: 7-2
Maylaysia Boleh: 6-2

All ambush records as barbarian faction.
Featured player vs. player: Geryon is my toughest opponent as I am 0-5 vs him.
Player: Edwin1908
Created: 12-26-08
Clan: Renegade(clanless)

Total Ambush Record: 156-51 75% success rate
Ambushed by player record: 81-49 62% success defeating ambusher
Ambush vs player record: 75-2 97% success rate

Featured Records Edwin1908 vs. Clans win/loss
Dark Alliance 7-3
Elite Claymore 10-3
Warriors Guild 25-7
CZ & SK Team 6-3
League of Shadows 13-8
Elite Warriors 21-4
Kobra 7-5
Rivendale 4-4
Brotherhood of Thieves 7-4
Airbmu Dadinumoc 7/1
Warriors Guild Wrath 13-4
Dragon Alliance 12-2
Wolves Hoard 7-3

I would say with an incredible 75-2 ambush record, you don't want to meet Edwin on the road!

If you would like your TG skills profiled, go to my home page and read the details.
TG profile cost:
100 per page starting with the first time you were ambushed or you ambushed a player, whichever comes first. Minimum 1000 gold for profile. You have 50 pages for me to dig through? It will cost you 5k. I will post the results in the forum under TG Profiles in the creative section.

What you get for your money:
1. Detailed profile for all your thieving exploits including:
A. Total win/loss plus %
B. Separate ambush/ambushee records
C. Featured records vs. major clans( 8 battle minimum for a clan to be named)
2. Your clan(s) membership listed
3. Your date of character creation listed
4. Featured player vs player spotlight(if applicable)
5. A complete list of your records vs. every clan you faced sent by PM

Let me do your bragging for you :p
PM me if interested. Must pay my fee before I begin my work.

copy and pasted from modi`s profile...
1 if your the bragger type... keep a record with you yourself...
2 this is easy to do seeing as in a combat log ambushes stand out...
3 if you hunt regularly like you should youd be spending several thousands (probuably 3k - 15k depending on level) on this
4 nobody will actually care or be impressed if your the ambusher...
5 if your the ambushed person you will be mocked for being so mean and making someone waste so much ap if you win and mocked for losing if you lose... (i myself will be one of the people mocking you...)
6 theres a large chance u have atleast 1 rule infraction and will be reported if u accept modi`s services... (i mean he is lookin through ur profile and combat log o_0 and if u let a thief win u can be reported...)
7 must pay before begins work o_0 not a 50% before 50%after a full 100% before... meaning when he stops doing it he can just say u paid after the deadline and it isnt valid.....

7 reasons why this is a bad idea XD
sorry modi i just had like ten minutes to kill while eating....
@5 lol you really think he is going to watch all ambushes versus players that is insane. Good job modi and thnx ^_^
(i myself will be one of the people mocking you...)

Maybe you should level up before mocking anyone
closed by Modi (2009-09-21 22:01:14)
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