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AuthorTG Profiles
Proud of your ambush record vs other players and want a chance to be featured? Check out my profile page to see my offer. I don't know if this will catch on but I am giving it a shot. THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR COMMENTS. If people sign up for it and players want to comment, just create a TG Profiles comment thread.
Player: Modi
Created: 4-7-09
Clan: League of Shadows

Total Ambush Record: 158-44 78% success
Ambushed by player record: 106-33 76% success defeating ambusher
Ambush vs player record: 52-11 83% success

Featured Records Modi vs. Clans win/loss
Elite Warriors: 17-3
Dragon Slaughter: 12-3
Brotherhood of Thieves: 14-4
Dragon Alliance: 22-11
Warriors Guild: 17-2
Dragon Heroes: 9-2
Rivendale: 4-5
Polish Elite: 8-1
Warriors Guild Wrath: 7-2
Maylaysia Boleh: 6-2

All ambush records as barbarian faction.
Featured player vs. player: Geryon is my toughest opponent as I am 0-5 vs him.
Player: Edwin1908
Created: 12-26-08
Clan: Renegade(clanless)

Total Ambush Record: 156-51 75% success rate
Ambushed by player record: 81-49 62% success defeating ambusher
Ambush vs player record: 75-2 97% success rate

Featured Records Edwin1908 vs. Clans win/loss
Dark Alliance 7-3
Elite Claymore 10-3
Warriors Guild 25-7
CZ & SK Team 6-3
League of Shadows 13-8
Elite Warriors 21-4
Kobra 7-5
Rivendale 4-4
Brotherhood of Thieves 7-4
Airbmu Dadinumoc 7/1
Warriors Guild Wrath 13-4
Dragon Alliance 12-2
Wolves Hoard 7-3

I would say with an incredible 75-2 ambush record, you don't want to meet Edwin on the road!

If you would like your TG skills profiled, go to my home page and read the details.

Of course it is. You are just asking - not very nicely - other people not to do it, that's all. But since this thread is open, people can comment. We are on a discussion forum, aren't we?

Requests to ban comments (or asking for comments) are by no means an obligation to anyone, even written in all caps to intimidate people.

If you don't want comments at all costs, you can close this thread. But if you want to post whatever comes to your mind and have a full control over replies given to you, write in your own forum, not here.

This was an unexpected comment by Kotrin.

Of course it is. You are just asking - not very nicely - other people not to do it, that's all.

Because I have had nonsense posts from certain players that ruins the contiguity of threads like this and makes it appear sloppy, I wrote that. Some mods realize this and delete posts when the thread has a no comments request.
Look at my other thread Murders Gangsters and see what I am trying to avoid.Thanks for going out of your way to be the first to break up my nice looking thread.
closed by Modi (2009-09-21 12:43:09)
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