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AuthorMaximum Durability should not decay for sets/enchanted items
Due to the eventual cost of rapring and enchanting, item sets and enchanted items should not lose maximum durability after repairs.

As it stands, all of the hunter sets are impossible to use for any useful duration, even with maximimum repair. Due to the low chances that these items even drop, expecting to attain a full set becomes very unlikely. Even if you were capable of getting a full set, you have a maximum of 10 or so fights before you lose it, which is just discouraging due to the effort invested.

Eventually you end up needing these sets to even compete, given the massive stacks you end up facing. The initiative the sets provide are key to surviving these encounters. However, you will realistically never have the set when you need it, simply because they break down way too fast, and are way too rare to replace easily.

hunter sets are quite easy to obtain. With 90% repair a set can last awhile.

They aren't really meant for regular hunting. They are mostly for setting hunt records.

# Remove the item deterioration or increase durability.
....This list does not feature denied suggestions. The Administration took them to consideration, so posting them again is forbidden.
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-09-19 14:40:05)
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