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Author10,000 gold
i think empire should give every one 10,000 evry three months for arts due to the ap rule people have quite this game it cost to much money
enrol more often and money is not a problem
Enroll, why reward someone for being lazy?
Laborers' guild: 0 (30) +60
Enroll more and you will get the gold. Look at me look at others, we have absolutely no problem with gold. even with the ap rule in place, rewards from all guilds should cover what is needed and sometimes bring you a profit.
enrol more often. money wont be a problem then.
but he is lev 4 ... O_O
enroll more often
At least by that we will feel the empire care about us.
-1 we get money everytime we level up
no point in playing if u cant do what every other player does. and tyrisia, it doesnt show empire cares. it just shows how lazy we are =P
pointless thread
closed by Pang (2009-09-17 17:00:21)
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