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AuthorDirect Donation to Clans
Hi Everybody,
Don't you think that donating directly to the clan (like the transfer option) can be better than transferring it to the leader who will add it to clan account.

With Regards,
that is a good suggestion.you can see your contribution on the clan log page
+1 (I would have less work to do :D)
This has been bugging me for half a year now (though I'm clanless) but No. I believe that an additional character should be created to manage these transactions E.g. (Character Name: Clan_Name_Treasurer) Of course, this multchar must only be controlled by one person, and that would be the clan leader. This will ensure clarity of transactions in the transfer log of the clan leader, and prevent hidden illegal transfers amidst these transactions.
#8: That would be a violation of rules 3.9 and 3.11 for the clan leader.

I prefer to see all in my transfer log. And i'm the Treasurer of a rich clan with many in/out every week ;)
I don't agree or disagree.

Will it bring you any troubles by sending the donation to clan leader instead of send to clan bank directly?
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