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AuthorAttack Vs Spellpower (PVP Demons)
Which stat is more valuable when it comes to offensive play?

On a related note, what is the actual formula for finding out how much damage +1 attack modifies your troops actual dealt damage? What is the formula for how spellpower modifies a spells actual damage?

The way I look at it, the total damage at the end of a battle is the only thing that matters. Would a point in attack, or a point in spellpower make a larger impact by the end?

Direct attack formulas: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=34

Spell power formulas: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=31
Oh, another point I forgot to make.

Since diminishing the opposing armies forces earlier means less incoming damage for the rest of the fight (like if you take down a stack from 100 to 50, they only deal 50% of their potential damage from then on), does the "burst" damage of a spell modified by spellpower make enough of an impact immediately to change the coarse of the rest of the fight in your favor?

(something to consider, I'm level 3 and this is my first character, I don't even have a spell yet, I'm just planning ahead so I don't invest my points poorly from the getgo)
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
does the "burst" damage of a spell modified by spellpower make enough of an impact immediately to change the coarse of the rest of the fight in your favor?

No. Being spellcaster is very tricky and can show your power mostly at group battles, especially at the end. No way to deal great damage to ranged units before they can shoot you. Initiative of a hero is 10. Most important units go before hero.

For some reason, people advice going might demon(attack) and change your points to spellpower for period between level 5-7, then become mighty again. :-)
(something to consider, I'm level 3 and this is my first character, I don't even have a spell yet, I'm just planning ahead so I don't invest my points poorly from the getgo)

You dont need to worry about this - You can take a potion of Oblivion at any time and get your points back to re-assign (with the exception of guild specific ones which cant be changed).

You can also choose arts which make your spells better or ones for attack,
2 rings of *name here* would bring your heroe's initiative to 11.4, although I doubt if it is really worth it.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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