Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->
Author | black smith and elemnts |
we all know when you open the enchanting page at the black smith all your elemnts apper.
my idea is the each 2 or 1 elemnt(s) that make 1% or 2% should be lined together.
like if you have 5 stools and 5 shards then in weapon enchantment 5 stools and 5 shards will be in the same catagory and next to them +5% earth elemnatel damage or what is you enchanting level is.
and in armore sools will disaper and onley 5 shards will apper and next to it +10% earth magic sheild
what do you say? | It does work this way, doesnt it? | looooooooooooooool,i didn`t notice it before,sorrey
^_^ | closed by Lord abdullah (2009-09-15 03:27:04) |
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