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The Creator=> It is only logical to believe that before anything was created there had to be a Creator. It is, also, only logical to believe that this Creator had to be an eternal being without beginning or end and that nothing could be like this Creator. It is this Unique Being Whom the Quran calls Allah the Lord, the Only Supreme Being worthy of worship.

Allah the Almighty stated this about Himself: He is Allah than Whom there is La ilaha illa Huwa (none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the ALl-Knower, of the unseen and the seen (open). He is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He is Allah than WHom there is La ilaha illa huwa (none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allah the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belongs the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All- Mighty and the All Wise. (Ch 59:22-24)

When Allah the Most High decided to create the earth, sun, planets, stars, and the galaxies--- those that are known and those that are unknown to us-- He commanded them: "Be!" and they were. Almighty Allah said: Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, Be!" and it is! (Ch 36:82)

As for the method of creation, it is unknown to us except what Allah revealed, which is that He created the heavens and the earth and the spaces in between in six days.

Allah the Exalted declared: Allah it is He Who has created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them in six Days. (Ch 32:4)

These six days are calculated as Allah the Almighty's days. This means they are not like our days on earth, as we count the day according to the earth's rotation once around its axis and the year according to its orbit around the sun. Perhaps these six days are thousands of years, or even millions of centuries, by our calculation nowadays, or perhaps they are more or less than that. They might be something totally different by Allah's reckoning.

Allah told us that He created the heavens, the earth, and everything that is between them in six days, the established Himself on the throne of the universe. Everything submitted to His will; everything was indebted to Him; everything prostrated and showed reverence to Almighty Allah. He controlled the working of everything and everything needed Him. He is the One Who needs nothing and no one, but everything was everyone needs Him. All was complete. Allah the Almighty's will had been accomplished. The universe was created and had prostrated to Him as a symbol of its needs and its desire for sustenance and in submission to His will.

The Symbol of Goodness

Among the best and the most vunerable of Allah's creatures are the angels. they are of various orders, each with its own noble mission accomplished with immaculate perfection. Among the angels are those whose mission is to communicate with human beings. One of these conveys Allah's messages to humanity through His prophets, and that is Gabriel (Jibreel), the chief of angels in the heavens and the symbol of goodness.

Allah the Almighty called him "the trustworthy": And truly, this (Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists), which the trustworthy Ruh (Gabriel) has brought down upon your heart (O Muhammad) that you may be one of the warners.

The Symbol of Evil

Along with the angels, Allah has created the jinn. They are part of the Ghaib (the unseen) and have no visible or tangible bodies. this is the only similarity between them and the angels. The jinn and the angels are totally different even in the stuff they are made of, for Allah created the former from fire and the latter from light
There is alway a question in my mind...If Creator create us.Who create the Creator?
There is alway a question in my mind...If Creator create us.Who create the Creator?

because the Creator is a God..

did God need to be created?

or you relate it with time... because of time something can be created....
then I would ask you, who create time?
for pur3d3x: ASAK

Prophets : They are said to be about 124,000 all around the world. The First one "Adam" (P.B.U.H) and the last one being "Mohammed" (P.B.U.H). According to Allah,All creatures (Humans) have been made from clay, and life is given through Soul (Ruh). It has been revealed in Qu'RaN :

"I am abot to create a mortal being (Bashar) from clay.When I have fashioned him and ngiven him life,you must prostate before him" (Ch.38:71-72)

Is this topic open for debate? I do not wish to invade your thread if your purpose was to not have a discussion. Of course many here have their own beliefs or none at all.
It is only logical to believe

Logic has nothing to do with belief, and 99% of the time contradicts it.

Also, it is not logical to believe there was a creator.
so what creates existence berserkas ?

by itself isn't a logical answer also there must be a someone to create things
Also, it is not logical to believe there was a creator

so...who create u?
124,000 all around the world
is that true?

as i know it would be hundreds only as far as 4hundreds and more(don't know the specific amount :X)

Logic has nothing to do with belief
give me more, i quite not understand with that.....
maybe you true about that, but i think he told for others than muslim like the revolutunist(people who not believe God), what i means is he based on science.

now i want to ask you, did there logic a thing that exist without being created?

and, you can't use logic about how God was exist.. God was already there, no one create Him, and God was the one Who created everything, and surely the logical sense.....

if God the One Who create the logical sense, so you you can't use logical sense to wonder how God was exist, UNDERSTAND???

example :- if God set up the 'logical sense' of the human have one eye, then if the human talked about two eyes human, they would feel that can't be logical for them right?

thnx in advance
124,000 all around the world
is that true?

yes it is true...

24 only that we must know...but in the world...its hav 124k
124,000 all around the world
is that true?

yes it is true...

24 only that we must know...but in the world...its hav 124k

hmm.... never thought so... XD

so Angels would be million.... 10 that we must know

i should revive my knowledege =.=....
Allah told us that He created the heavens, the earth, and everything that is between them in six days

One question bugs me... Why six days? If He was powerful enough, why not creating everything in single day?
God only knows god have made every thing for a reason he only knows
There is alway a question in my mind...If Creator create us.Who create the Creator

It is, also, only logical to believe that this Creator had to be an eternal being without beginning or end and that nothing could be like this Creator. thid
for Kotrin: We don't know go ask im :P
for Kotrin:

tell him when u die
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