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Each hero at HoMM 5 (sorry for coming with that game again :P) has a Specialisation, such as: "For each 2 levels attack and defence of unit X increases by 1, starting with the first level" exists for
-For Knights specials: "Rapid Spell effect is increased by 1% each level", "Bonus of Jousting of Cavalry is increased each level"
-Demons: "Confusion steals 1 mana point of the victim per level", "Magic resistance +5% and +1% each level", "Luck increases by 1 and enemy can't use tactics", "Gating is increased 1% per level"
-Necro: "Enemy hero has a chance of getting a used spell blocked till end of fight, chance depends on Spell level and heroes levels", "Weakness spell decreases the defence of the victim by 1 each 3 levels, aswell", "Each fully destroyed enemy stack gets converted into ghosts, ghostcount equals hero level", "Effective Spellpower of Raise dead increases by 1 each 5 levels"
-Elves: "Waspswarm has dependant on hero level higher effect", "Damage against favored enemies is increased by 2% for each level", "Starting initiative is increased by 0.5% each level for all units", "Forestkeepers, elven bowmen and druids (their upgrades aswell) gain Rage"
-Dark Elves: "All enemy stacks have a chance of starting the fight poisoned dependant on the hero level", "Dark Witches have each action a chance of shooting an extra shot", "The ability Assault of Lizard assailants gets increased", "Elemental called spells cost 5% + 1% each level less"
-Wizards: "Hero gains ability to recover mana, speed depends on hero level", "Disruption ray deals damage dependant on hero level, aswell", "Magi and Lorekeepers act better (whatever that means :P)", "Firebased spells get increased dependant on hero level", "Initiative of the hero is increased dependant on level", "Chance of magical mirrored spells being reflected onto enemy stacks is increased"

Units where a specialised ability exists: Farmers, bowmen, swordsmen, griffins, wolfhounds, succubi, zombies, vampires, forestkeepers, unicorns, elven bowmen, bandits, rogues, minotaurs, gremlins, golems.
And of course their upgraded units are included aswell.

Abilities that increase movement or siegemastery or such things can't be overtaken to here so easily, thats why i didn't name them.
Of course these specialisations are NOT balanced for this game at all.
well if i could choose i would take naadirs soulhunter(the ghosts) even if there was one per 8 hero levels
-111111111111111111111111111111 too good abilities and this game will convert to HoMM 5
Good Idea
+1 for meGood Idea
+1 for me
for HeartBreakkid:
too good abilities and this game will convert to HoMM 5

As i said, these abilities are not balanced, and this game still will be VERY different from the original.

Such kind of abilities increases divercity immensely and enables more strategies. I suggest to make these Specialisations changeable like factions, meaning once per day. Or maybe even permanent (as in the original, but there you have more than one hero), or just once per week to make it changeable, but very seldom.

Abilities have to be balanced very much to this games needs. +2 Spellpower for a lvl 14 Necro in raise dead is very low, whereas these ghosts for killing an enemy stack might be very powerfull. Specialities that only define to have a "chance" are very freeto be chosen by admins and therfor my suggestion will need very, very much time to be implemented :/

My idea would be to enable these abilities from lvl 6, cuz then reasonable effects can be achieved, and from level 5 to 6 nothing happens anyway ^^
where are barb specs?At least
This hero can perform one special melee attack right at the beginning of combat. Moreover, all hero's attacks deal +5% damage for every level of the hero.


Blood Drinker
Each killed enemy troop (summoned troops considered, too) increase the Attack of all the creatures in his army by +1 for each 6 levels of the hero.

since all others are +1def,attack to unit
Forgot about them ^^
wouldnt this technically be the faction level instead of combat levels?

You can already specialize your faction using talents.
i had suggest something like this before...

this is what you call faction hero unique skill; such as storm chaser (for your extra effect on rapid), vampire queen, and other
banshee ftw
I think this is what they call 'Perk'.
Read upcoming features :)

Although I like the idea ^^

Empowered Spell FTW :P

# Perks (hero secondary abilities).

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