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AuthorWhat went wrong? 1000 gold, controversial penalty.

3.16 Rule about staged combats was not broken here according to my understanding of that rule.

So I would like to ask, which statement in general rules did Kusika break?

Of course we all understand the above mentioned combat was awfull and not in the spirit of the game.

But I would prefer to see the rule which was broken here. If there is no such rule against giving away faction skill points I suggest to add it.

But is it really what we want this game to become? Looking over our shoulders wondering if someone is watching to report our every mistake? I know this was not the case but according to the game rules there is no difference between regular mistake and Kusika`s behaviour.

I remember combats against demons(level 5) when I just defended with melee attackers until succubi ran out of ammo. Did I give up faction points too or was it the best move to win the combat?

And please dont bum me with actions of blah blah are not subject to discussion. This is not about the action itself, but about the system that lead to this action and how to protect ourselves against such penalty.
Please read here for a more complete description of various battle rule breaks and the associated penalties:


¤ Staged combats, paid-for combats, deliberate loses, bad sportsmanship, giveaway combats.
- first infringement, 5,000 gold
- second infringement, 20,000 gold
- third infringement, 50,000 gold
- fourth infringement = character block.
There is possibility of premature block in exceptional cases.

Stalling instead of finishing the battle to give faction points to your opponent counts as a giveaway combat.

I KNOW this rule is subject to interpretation.

I KNOW this rule seems unfair to some.

Kusika, MasterTI and china_blue99 have been all punished - or rather warned only, please note, it's important - for the same rule break. There is a heavy case law on the matter on .ru server and there is no reason to see it any differently here.

PLEASE do not turn this thread into a "Oh-this-rule-is-so-evil" or "Keepers-are-bad" discussion or I'll close it *immediately*.
ohm looks like bad sportsmanship will against the rule :)

once some one complained that his partner using volley(bowman) to his troops. Mod says it wasn't against rule but bad sportsmanship and closed it :) now what.....
This once again tells me that rules should be extended to avoid misinterpretations like these. Especially rules about "dedicated financial assitance", "staged combats", "bad sportmanship" and few others give too much space for speculations.

Yet I understand that the book of the rules is large enough and hard to understand for many players. But maybe a more detailed second release would help those who are interested in understanding the rules and playing by them.
come on giving away faction skill points gives an avanteges to the ones reciving it. Its not fair play and Kotrin is right to uphold the law even against high lvl players
During the hunt I always try to "offer some Faction Skill Points to" my teammate by letting him destroy half of enemies, "instead of finishing them off".
for example: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=13573896
If I understand the new rules right, I also should be punished?

I saw many thiefes, who give the chance to the opponent to take some fsp. But I REALLY don't know and don't understand why they should be banned etc.
This is completly inacceptale puishment. This things arnt forbidden here. .ru cant count since we are obviously not the same
Mods are Executiv not Legislature even if legislature doesnt give a damm.
Such behaviour of punishing is Judge Dread like.
You cant punishsome body for nonexisting rulebreaks THATS disposal.
Its not fair play and Kotrin is right to uphold the law even against high lvl players

but you see, the law must be written, not made up whenever something happens, and there is nothing that says they can't do this, therefore i think there is a right to complain, or at least telling admins to say there is acctually something wrong here
once some one complained that his partner using volley(bowman) to his troops. Mod says it wasn't against rule but bad sportsmanship and closed it :) now what.....

Can you provide a link to this forum thread?
cheers for misself:)
there are only 2 solutions:

-Kotrin needs apologize Kusika, because hes dont break any rule

or if he break one

- Kotrin must punish MasterTi 2, because he profited and he was aware of a cheating/rulebreaking.
I cant find what rules are broken by showing bit mercy to ur opponent its not like they get massive benefit by doing it.

This rulling will affect many players that will now play on .ru instead where they dont get fined ...
During the hunt I always try to "offer some Faction Skill Points to" my teammate by letting him destroy half of enemies, "instead of finishing them off".
for example: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=13573896
If I understand the new rules right, I also should be punished?

I also do this so let's have a ruling on it so we know if it's legal. It is vastly different than an ambush or pvp battle but maybe ru says its not legal.
During the hunt I always try to "offer some Faction Skill Points to" my teammate by letting him destroy half of enemies, "instead of finishing them off".
for example: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=13573896
If I understand the new rules right, I also should be punished?

1. No, you understand them wrong. What you do is completely legal.

2. Rules aren't that new. #373 clan page dates back to April. Note that it doesn't define *new* rules; it actually *explain* current rules (like 3.16 no contractual combat) - although not going enough in details, as it seems - and includes associated penalties.
for Kotrin:
here is the link
What is contractual in give away some fsp for benefit?
They didnt planed this and Kusika was just nice(still in mind that it isnt stated anywhere).
I will make just one question,....

we can not claims same tournaments and quest and updates like on .ru as we are a separately server,....

Shall we follow the same rules ??

somebody wrote abt clans wars/battles,... that will be affectey by fsp,..... when will we got this updates in 5 years ?? will this 0.43 make the difference on winning or loosing???
What is contractual in give away some fsp for benefit?
They didnt planed this and Kusika was just nice(still in mind that it isnt stated anywhere).

You are right. They didnt plan it because Kusika did this with others as well. He is just being nice. It wasn't anything more than that. Still, it is unnatural for that to happen in a battle. If battle clans never come here, it doesn't matter because there is no real competition. That is one thing this game is missing...war between clans!
I wrote mail to kotrin, but he didn't unswer. So i want to ask here.

- How can players from .com server know rules from .ru server?
- Where is line in general rules that keepers can write their interpretations to rules in their clan info and punish someone using that interpretations?
- Where is at least line, that we(players) need to check info of keepers clan and use it like main rules?
- on what purpose closed topik in general forum section? Becouse kotrin don't like it?

I have other questions too, but now want to see answers from Kotrin.
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