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AuthorWe have a problem with law
This is something that could interest all the comunity members. I'm going to make my reports on the right section of the forum, but there is something that the players must know!

There is a Clan that was hosting 100 cheater between its 185 players. I'm talking about #394 Blade of Honour.

I'm in contact with magicboy and archerblade (leader and treasurer) while the first is trying to do nothing, archerblade was surprised, very cooperative and he starts to evict those cheaters from the clan. I asked him the permission before writing this post! I will like to tank him and I ask the honest players of Blade of Honour to forgive me!

Blade of Honour is not different from many others, not at all! There are many clans full of cheaters. Maybe it is some sort of web, an intelligent way to wash the cheaters gold. I cannot say how many players are aware of the situation, but I suggest you to check from time to time the transfer logs of others.
There are top players providing smith and enchanter service to everyone, leaders that are inviting every player that is ready to pay donations. I don't know if they are doing this on pourpose or not, but:

"Trying to wash the money through substitute parties is a serious violation leading to block of the additional characters and penalty to the main one".

I'm going to make some other inquires on "full of cheater" clans. I'm going to list the name of cheaters to the leaders to help them find a solution. On my little clan I had my onw little problems too, but I helped my clanmates to understand their errors, they made a full confession on the right forum section and they are waiting for the admin's decision.

I pray every honest clanleader to make some check and/or to institute an internal police service if they cannot deal with the problem. There are big clans like Kotrin's one that are well managed and they are not a good hideout for cheaters. So don't tell me that it is impossible!

You have nothing to fear if you are an honest player like archerblade, I am patient and kind. But you will not have my silence, forget about it. Time to check your clanmates, I have other 4 clans on my list and others are coming. I would like to believe that there is not an organization that has working on a smart way to use the gold of additional characters. I would like to believe...
so u plan 2 go though all of the warriors guild and dragon clan 2 lol gd luck
Judge Dread coming to set law=)BTW i think it's more *personal* problem.not clan,but think u in right way..may be those *magic 4* will get punishment like Angels of death clan members
UPD and i think it would be nice,to disband that clans, where *cheaters money have a place to be*,and more then 30%(u can type your own number) of members have strange transfers
Hey, guys, give him a break! He is well intended and, personally, I give him my full support (not by checking players, but what is connected to the clan where I am leader). Even if his quest is like Don Quixote's one, his intentions are good and instead of disarming him, we should appreciate his will to reduce the number of cheaters in this server.
who sid that his intensions are bad?i agreed with this position,but as i mentiioned it's usually personal problem,cause many clan leaders invite and allow to join almost everyone for some reasons,like gaining money from tax,and they don't care from where this money came from.Hope i explained my point of view

Sorry, my bad. I took your posts as being a little bit ironic and that's why. I didn't mean to be harsh.
you right,my first sentense was a bit sarcastic,but i hope it shouldn't spoil impression in all message.good that we understand each other)
I know it is almost impossible to have some law into a jungle like this, but if we try together, maybe we can aceive some little target.

it's usually personal problem

This is true, but I think I have discovered a piramid scheme that is leading to some of the higher players. I wish I could prove it, but it's hard without tools and/or admins... We'll see.
for Vonemar:
I have some thoughts and found that the idea you try to explain to others is real-real more global IMHO
First of all?there we can see clan registration problem.I really enkoy to see?when clan created with group of friends to play with?or to create big and friendly to each other community > BUT the situations when clan created to become *an easy way to make money(and not some)* were,and will be.
May be admins physically don't have time(most important resourse ever!),or (the most truly theory) they crated some new content,but HOW we can deny in clan registration?simply check logs?don't think it helps,*money-makers* find the way to avoid this *deep water stone*,and anyway it's impossible to know the trully idea of clan creation.you may type in reasons *we are group of people and we want create a clan to help new players to understand the game,but some weeks-monts ago they simply get money from these poor new players.that's the real problem
intentions are good and instead of disarming him, we should appreciate his will to reduce the number of cheaters in this server.

Even if he only manages to reduce 1 less rules-breaker in this game, it's to be applauded. Great job.
I know it is almost impossible to have some law into a jungle like this, but if we try together, maybe we can aceive some little target.

i have a lot of free time nowdays and will be able to check out the clans .... just give me the names of the clan to check and consider it done !
The problem won't be solved if admin continues to allow the financial thread to go on and on with no action taken. The backlog is now gigantic. Ironic that the appearance was made to fix clan bumps while the real problem of cheating goes untouched. Reminds me of our police officers ticketing a driver for speeding 5 miles over the limit, and he has the car pulled over in front of a known drug apartment complex. Penalize the productive worker on his way to or from work while ignoring the people who harm society.
One day, Vonemar will get tired of working for this game and just throw up his hands in disgust. I would love to see Vonemar given audit powers to deal with this huge problem. Maybe a letter writing campaign to Empire, nominating Vonemar? I think he is an honorable fellow and would be happy to trust him with such a position. Anyone else to second the motion?
for Vonemar:
I'm really surprised that you were able to find that many cheaters in just a single clan. I'm one of the first to admit that there's a lot of cheaters in this game, but usually not networked in a clan like that. Most of the cheaters I find are not in clans. You use the term pyramid scheme, but I call it networking since it's not always about the gold funding the player at the top. Some of the more amazing multis I've seen span like 5 tiers of networks with each network consisting of about 10 accounts. So that's like 50 accounts for a single person.

I hope you are properly documenting the cheaters so that the admins would block them when they finally get around to it.
Firts of all, I must say, that I am not cheating, but still I dont know, why are you so angry about cheaters. Becouse they have more money, than you have? So what? Even if they have milion gold, they still can buy only arts for their lvl...
The same effect (more money) can be reached by enrolling more often or by buying diamonds...
for Markussk:
1. Rules are there for a reason. It is to ensure fairness and equality for all.
2. The way cheaters usually gain gold basically ruins the economy and leads to other players complain about how the mines don't have gold. While the veteran players should already know how to get around this, the new players have trouble enrolling.
3. One of the common ways cheaters spend their gold is via the market. Their spending increases demand for certain items (arts, elements, etc.) and thus raise market prices and sometimes make certain items very low in supply.
4. And if my last 2 reasons didn't imply already, cheaters create inflation and raises prices for many things from non-shop arts to enchanting services.
5. Cheaters are able to use the best arts while other players may have trouble complying with just the min AP rule.
6. Some people just like the rules and wants everyone else to also follow them.
Anyone else to second the motion?

I don't think the admins would be willing to grant such major powers to anyone !
But it would be great if they could ... i second it !
I don't think the admins would be willing to grant such major powers to anyone !

My thoughts exactly. The ability to block people is like a nuclear bomb at game scale. Imagine what could happen if such power ended in wrong hands.
for Markussk:

My personal reasons are simple. I like fair games, ever and everywhere. The final pourpose of gameing is to enjoy the free time. If you have any clue about what sportmanship is, you understand that I say. Every game has some rules, you cannot enjoy a game if there are rulebrakers. Think about poker, for example. Are you able to have fun sitting at a table where there are one or more cheaters? I don't!

I would like to thank those who are supporting my little work. There are good people on this server and this is my way to try to help US enjoying the game much more. I don't ask anything (to admins or others) and I'm going to continue my humble work in the free time. But as Modi said, I will not find my reasons to continue this hard work forever. I hope our admins will come back an deal with a real big problem.
for Vonemar:
Thank you for the hard work.

From time to time I get discouraged and stop reporting cheaters despite seeing obvious rule breaks. (And no, I never actually go hunt down cheaters; I just randomly see them.)
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