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evrbody in level 3 are able to do hunting can i ask how to do that?
wait in one spot for 40min - 1hr and a hunt should appear. you will have the option to fight or pass.
Hunting is the killing of the monsters that you meet on the map. They appear every 40-60 minutes
no notthat but in the group battles i see guys battling with monsters,with the option hunter but i have no option like that

the options i have are


but not hunter....??
u nid to be lvl 2 in hunter guild then when u go to the map there will be an option "ask for assistant" then click on it and wait for any1 to come.only do that if it is hard.if it is really hard u better beg that any1 come or u will face it urself GULP..........
i have been reading this but how we come to leve;l 2 in hunter guild?
get 60 points in hunter guild to get to level 2.
1 succsesfull hunt ( winning hunt ) = 1 point to HG...

if u assist someone , and u win , then u recieve 0.5 HG
1 succsesfull hunt ( winning hunt ) = 1 point to HG...
i believe the amount you get for assist depends on how much you kill in the battle, but ranges from 0.1-0.5 HG points
if you assist someone , and you win , then you receive 0.1 HG points and FSP proportional to damage dealt to a max of 0.5
If you assist a hunter, and the hunt is successful, you receive 0.1 HG points. No more, no less. FSP's are in between 0.0 and 0.5.

If you are the main hunter, you receive an amount of HG points proportional with FSP/experience.

The time interval between 2 hunts is 20-30 minutes at combat levels 1 and 2, twice longer for combat levels greater or equal 3.

One can ask for hunt assist or you can assist a hunter starting from HG level 2.

The number of monsters depends on the FSP gained in the previous successful hunt of the same monsters (roughly +30% for 0.5 FSP and +14% for 0.25 FSP - less math, happier players :D ). In case of losing the hunt, the number of monsters is preserved within 5% deviation (say, you lost against 100 farmers, you may count next time max 105 farmers).

Happy hunting! :)
if you assist someone , and you win , then you receive 0.1 HG points and FSP proportional to damage dealt to a max of 0.25
Sorry for double post.

The time interval between 2 hunts is 20-30 minutes at combat levels 1 and 2, twice longer for combat levels greater or equal 3, half the interval if you pass the hunt or you travel without taking the previous hunt.
thanx u
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