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AuthorThe Hydra Wars
A long forgotten tale....of a long forgotten war.....in a long forgotten time. Long before there was war, long before there was famine, disease and hardship. Hydra once ruled this world, they were kind and at the time very generous and caring. The hydra king was getting old and when he passed away Octus took the throne...

i g2g now more coming soon cliff hanger.... xD
A long forgotten tale....of a long forgotten war.....in a long forgotten time. Long before there was war, long before there was famine, disease and hardship. Hydra once ruled this world, they were kind and at the time very generous and caring. The hydra king was getting old and when he passed away Octus took the throne. But Octus wasn't as kind as the old king. He saw Hydra as a superior race and that the others should be in shackles and be enslaved to the Hydras. The humans and other races were instantly made slaves and were sentenced to hard labor for the rest of their days. The humans have had enough and organized a rebellion. Soon this rebellion grew rapidly, every race soon joined in. One of these races was the powerful black dragons.

The sister of Octus, Antras, didn't like his new policies so she ran away. She joined the rebellion and fell in love with a black dragon named Extran. They soon got married and had twins. These were no ordinary twins for they were the first Black Hydragons born. Black Hydragons are more powerful than hydra and dragons. These would be a powerful tool indeed, But they were not enough. In order to defeat the hydra the rebellion would need a special material something that would give them an advantage against the hydra....
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // On topic starter's request]
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // On topic starter's request]
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // On topic starter's request]
Please don't discuss things here....
discus things in the off game forum topic.
can someone delete those posts?

One General had an idea. There was an old abandoned temple, but this was no ordinary temple. The monks who were worshiping there all of a sudden disappeared, no one knows why..no one knows how. But the rebellion needed to go to this temple for it had a mysterious mineral there. This could indeed be the material they needed to be on equal grounds with the Hydraic forces.

The rebellion set at once the twin hydragon, Onyx and Death Star, and 20 of the most elite members of the Rebellion. The journey would take 2 hours by riding the hydragons, and was through neutral but unfriendly territory. This was the territory of the Barbarians. The barbarians haven't choose sides but they didn't like intruders. They sent 50 rocs to strick down the hydragons. The barbarians have never seen such a creature as
the Hydragon as did they not know there power. The Elder Roc lead the force they surrounded the hydragon and flew in beak first. The rebel archers were able to shoot down 2 rocs b4 they were killed by lighting from a Thunder Bird. Thunder birds have never been seen before they were a newly evolved form of a roc. Onyx incinerated the thunder birds with his extrodinary fire blast. Now all they needed to do was take out the remaining 48 rocs. The rebel forces were running out. They did not expect to fight such a force, the barbarians were taking the intruders for a much bigger threat than expected. They decided to take their chances and out run the rocs into a detour through the Necropolis and take their chances there...
There is a strange think about the Necropolis at this time. The Necropolis was a place for undead, that seemed unfit to serve the necromancer whom created them, to run wild. The necromancers themselves, at this time in history, would rarely be seen. All they did would be staying in there temples learning, meditating and practicing the art of necromancy.

This was the problem. The Necropolis was what seemed like a jungle of bones and wild undead. All those mindless undead with nothing to do but fight each other and intruders. This place was so ferocious that the Hydraic Empire did not even dare try to conquer such a place. The barbarians knew this and as soon as The Rebels entered the necropolis the rocs stopped there persuit.

The Rebels were safe from the barbarians now but they were not safe entirely. They realized this and every step they took the Necropolis seemed to grow darker, spookier and scarier. Then all there hear is a loud bang and what they saw after that was more frighting than any man or woman should have to witness in there life...
The bones on the ground started rumbling. They then started moving in to one giant mountain of bones. This then formed into some sort of giant undead abomination. This creature grasped a cloud of fog as assembled it into a cloak.

This creature had 6 arms. 2 holding one giant staff that resembled that of a Liche's staff. 2 holding 2 giant axes each made entirely out of bones. The last 2 arms were each holding a crystal ball with a skull in it. It smashed the balls together shattering them into 30 pieces on the ground. Each fragment grew into the shape of a human. They then transformed into 30 Master Necromancers. The master necromancers than all spoke at once.

"Leave this sacred ground. Be gone. You hydra have done enough harm by defiling the universe with your experiments."
Then the rebel general Norctave said "We are not The Hydra we have rebelled against them and seek to destroy them"
"If you are not The Hydra then why are you here?" said the necromancers at once
"We have come through here to reach a temple and retrieve an element to use against the hydra. What did you mean by the hydra 'defiling the universe'"
"The Hydra have been experimenting with matter and have entered into our sacred art to create higher evolved forms of hydra such as Deep Hydra and Foul Hydra"
"I see, will you let us leave, we mean you no harm, we were just trying to get away from the barbarians."
"We will let you leave, But it seems we have a common enemy. We the strongest necromancers in this world will help you in our fight. Your battle our ours. Take these two orb if you shatter them we will come at your side. But please only use this if you must. Now be gone from our sacred land, go on your way."
" The Rebellion will be looking forward to your help in our war."

The rebellion has gained a powerful ally in the fight against the Hydra. The rebel forces then left the necropolis and entered the temple. As soon as they approached it they realized why the monks disappeared...
The temple was filled and surrounded with a strange glowing light blue mist. One brave soldier took a step into the temple. He inhaled the gas then immediately grew these strange blue warts and then lit on blue fire and fell to the ground. A section of the mist formed into the shape of a human and spoke.
"YoU mAy NoT eNtEr UnLeSs YoU aRe iN cOnTrOl Of A gReAt CrEaTuRe."
Then General Noctave spoke,
"What is this creature of which you speak?"
"If YoU dO nOt KnOw, ThAn YoU mUsT nOt PoSsEsS iT"
As soon as it finished it's words, it returned back to the mist from which it came.
Than a Lieutenant spoke.
"Sir,I have examined a strange carving on the ground, it looks like our hydragons."
The lieutenant was right the carving was of two hydragons which looked remarkably like Onyx and Death Star. Both hydragon then stepped on the strange carving and as mysterious as the mist came, it left.

The doors of the temple were too big for the hydragon to fit in, it appears they were designed this way on purpose. The remaining three rebel mages, 10 rebel warriors and 5 rebel swordsman entered into the temple. The hydragon were left to stay outside and keep watch for trouble. The carving on the walls suggested that the birth of the hydragon was predicted by the monks decades before it actually happened. The rebels then made it into the temple where they found a highly concentrated amount of the strange material they have been looking for. This highly concentrated amount would be able to be slightly weakened to make more armor and weapons than they would ever need. Carvings around the element showed just what they hoped for. The carving said that this material would be a perfect weapon against the hydra. The rebels then named it hydra-bane. The Rebels then went back to headquarters with there prize. What they found there spoiled there happy mood.
The Hydra have found the rebel headquarters and started to attack. The worst part was that the necromancers were right. The hydra have created evolved species. They brought deep and foul hydra as well as the normal hydra. The rebels defenders at the base were running out of forces fast. They could not win even with the power of the hydragons. Then they remembered the orbs and the hydra-bane and made a plan. They cracked the orbs and just as they were told, the necromancers as well as there necrotic beast appeared.
The necromancers then all spoke at exactly the same time,
"How do you require our assistance?"
General Noctave then said,
"We need you help killing these hydra, but we also have an idea, we need your magical powers to create weapons out of this Hydra-bane for all of us, this will greatly increase our chances of victory."
"We can do that."

They put the hydra-bane in the middle and all the necromancers and the mages shoot a pure beam of magic at the hydra-bane. The hydragon also breathed magic breath on it. Then a flash of light appeared. When the light went away the necromancers, hydragons and rebel troops all had new gear. The necromancers had hydra-bane cloaks, sythes or wands, and new hydra bane spells. There creature got new weapons as well as armor (all hydra bane). The same was for the rebel troops. The hydragon got new hydra-bane armor, hydra-bane claws, armor and hydra-bane breath. The remarkable part was that only an amount the size of a grain of sand was missing from the concentrated hydra-bane. The rebels were now ready to fight the hydra...
The rebels were outrageously outnumbered. Their only hope was the hydra-bane to do what the hoped for.
The sides were drawn:
The Hydraic Empire
1750 Hydra
100 Deep Hydra
75 Foul Hydra
The Rebellion
100 Undead Warlords
50 rebel archers
25 Rebel Warriors
10 Rebel Mages
2 Black Hydragon
1 Undead Necrotic Beast

The rebels strategy was to use it's archers and mages to kill foul hydra first so that the acid spray would not hurt the other troops.

Luck Befalls rebel archers!
Hydra-bane deals massive damage!
Rebel archers deal 7543 damage to foul hydra 70 perish.

The hydra-bane was working, it was making the rebel troops deal massive damage. And the hydra-bane armor made them take very little damage. After hours of intense fighting the forces were worn down to:
The Hydraic Empire
946 Hydras
25 Deep Hydras
36 Undead warlords
50 Rebel archers with only 1 shot left
2 Black hydragon
1 Undead necrotic beast

It was the Black Hydragons turn. With spray and draconic breath they deal damage in this pattern:

X is enemies hit. O is the black Hydragon(s). T is spaces not hit.

There was 3 stacks of Hydra and and one stack of deep Hydra. With spray and draconic breath the black hydragons were able to hit every stack:

Luck befalls Black Hydragon!
Hydra-bane deals massive damage!
Black hydragon deal 33009 damage to hydras, 310 perish.
Black hydragon deal 33014 damage to hydras, 326 perish.
Black hydragon deal 29845 damage to hydras, 310 perish.
Black hydragon deal 25456 damage to deep hydras, 25 perish.

And with that deadly move showing the true power of the black hydragon combined with the raw power of hydra-bane the hydra attackers were destroyed. It was now time to bring the war into the hydra's land and destroy them once and for all.

General Noctave spoke:
"We have won this battle, but the war is not won yet. Thank you for the help necromancers."
"It is only our pleasure to help you destroy the hydra."
The necromancers then faded away returning to the necropolis.
"Men, we are not done yet we still need to defeat the rest of the hydra and free the slaves. Our next mission will be to free a legendary beast, Shackled for centuries. He is only known as 'Conqueror'."
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