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when u have negative morale can ur troops get there turn pushed back later.
yea maet if u get negative moral then that stack will have to wait longer than normal, it is the oposite of moral
When you have negative morale, your troops may skip their regular turns. once skipped, I believe any effect that pushes a unit back on the ATB scale has no effective effect. Reducing 0 accumulated initz is still 0 accumulated initz.
Yes, if your troops is xx, you will see "xx freeze in fear" after being pushed back, but it is randomly, like you won't burst for more action everytime if you have positive morale.

Negative morale won't affect necromancer's troops.

The necro-no-moral-ability would be useful if they could forcefully curse / demoralise enemies living units.

ATM no moral = no double attack and since no moral = no apparent advantage, therefore no moral = unused ability = weak necro ability = weak faction.
The necro-no-moral-ability would be useful if they could forcefully curse / demoralise enemies living units.

Erm... that's why Necros can cast Darkness?

No Morale = No freezing in fear and inherently being Necro means you cannot be affected by mind-affecting spells, which protects you against Confusion and stuff.

Of course, you rather a Necro's army freeze in fear each time you raise?

You are partly right. I am not saying necro is a useless faction. It has its strength, but not high enough to compensate for its weakness.

I still hold on to what I said: No-moral-ability of Necro is not that great ATM.

Advantage of no-moral-ability:

1 - Protects against raise side effects. BTW raise become useLESS at high level. Would you like you high-moral-double-attack-ability to be less efficient at high level? On the contrary, high-moral-double-attack-ability becomes MORE potent with max melee high level characters.

2 - Protects against demoralising spells (WOUPS... guess what??? there is no demoralising OFFENSIVE spell.. I am not talking of the self-inflicted-free-will raise side-effect but an attack / spell to FORCEFULLY demoralise). Hence ability to cast darkness magic has NOTHING to do with demoralising enemies.

3- Protects against fear (to be more precise against one unit... emphasis on ONE unit) and confusion and stuff??? stuff??? No sorry takesister that's it... necro trade their high-moral-double-attack ability for a no-moral-ability for only against the SITUATIONAL confusion and fear...lol. Please dont talk about poison. Poison immunity is an undead / mechanical thing not associated to the no-moral discussion.

So please If you think I overlooked something about the GREAT no-moral-ability of necro as opposed to the obvious advantages of high-moral-double-attack ability. Please feel free to prove me wrong.
when u have negative morale can ur troops get there turn pushed back later.yes
this question has been answered please close this topic and complain about your faction elsewhere.
1) Raise only becomes useless when you are playing offensive. Raise is still critical at high levels if you play defensive

2) Confusion, that's a spell, that's offensive. And potentially some of the 4th and 5th level spells are mind-affecting.

3) Necros need to be balanced against the other factions somewhat. We are powerful enough as it is. If Necros had morale, the balance would shift and people would now be complaining about why the top 100 are all necros and that necros should be de-powered. Learn to accept and use what people call disadvantages and make them advantages. then make what your opponent calls advantages and make them disadvantages.
To Takesister:

1 - defensive? Necro are defensive-oriented? hmmm that's new to me. I may be specialising in the wrong faction then if you say necro are defensive. Please enlight me on how necro-ability benefit in using a defensive tactics?

shooter ability of skeleton offensive, enrage of zombies offensive, I use incorporeal ability of ghost offensively when statistics in my favour, no retaliation and vampirism offensive, plague shot offensive, no ability of death envoy AND bone dragon = go-kill-or-die-waiting = need to use offensively units). Also , flyer / teleport abilities are offensive = archer-killers.

So defensive like being a darkness master? using most expensive magic items, cursing everyone, not doing any damage, not getting your fair share of xp... is that what I have to expect as a defensive-oriented necro??? DEFINITELY i need to change factino then if necro are defensive-oriented.

2 - Confusion do NOT reduce moral and only affects shooters and retaliation (Are you saying you do NOT focus attack enemy unit? So you think confusion on melee units is great???).


The world would POTENTIALLY be a paradise if people stop sinning: greed, lust, hate, adultery... bla bla bla... POTENTIALLY...

That's how I 'feel' about 'potentially'... in an un-updated game.

3 - Dont take me wrong. I still enjoy playing as a necro. Actually I am doing GREAT as a necro ATM. I am having fun with my tactics and strategies so far despite the no-moral-ability of necro.

I just disagree when people BOAST about no-moral-ability since they are NOT that great although it can POTENTIALLY (lol..sorry) make necro over-powered.
Woups addition:

All I am saying is there is not many benefits in having a no-moral-ability apart for raise, confusion and fear... which are all SITUATIONAL as opposed to the good-ALL-the-time-high-moral-double-attack-ability.

Again I dont want necro to get moral.. its so wrong.

I want to be able to use this NO-moral-ability OFFENSIVELY in my tactics... which I can NOT atm (again confusion has limited uses).

But I agree it can POTENTIALLY be possible if (a big IF) lvl 4 and 5 magic are introduced...
Gyver, let's not argue on this thread. It's not right. Let's just let it go.

Back to topic:when u have negative morale can ur troops get there turn pushed back later.
I was hoping by discussing what we personally feel about the necro faction concerning their no-moral-ability, we would be able to exchange ideas for new tactics in pvp.

I guess the only thing i learned is there is a mysterious defensive-built necro i never heard about... intriguing...
the only thing I find wrong about Necros is that the Ring of Doubt (a magic item ONLY for necros) has durability 12 ... for the rest, it is a pretty nice faction
i wonder why curse work with necro unit, necro should be immune to curse
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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