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AuthorInterview of Magicboy Leader of Blade of honour
Interview of Magicboy Leader of BLADE OF HONOUR

->First of all, tell use abit about your self.

My name is Magicboy and i live in Thailand, and i am Half Thai and Half English, My age is private but i will give you a rule, i'm age from 10-18, i'm a young boy.

My hobbies are hanging with with my mates, and i love playing paint ball and bibi gun, There both fun. I also have a xbox360 live, if anyone has got an xbox360live please tell me, i normaly play Left4dead and halo3, i'm waiting till Left4Dead 2 comes out xD

My friends that play this game are Dekaruss, BladyXmaster, Athenian and Demon_Warrior is my brother, some of them are not active, or blocked ^^

->How did you find Lordswm? and do you prefer this game then other games?

I did not find this game, my brother found this game, and he started playing this game befor me, he played lordswm with 1 of his friends, but later he started to cheat anthen they got blocked. Then i came to his room, and saw him playing this game^^ so i started to try it.

At first i did not like this game, i taught it was confusing and boring, but the game is realy adictive, so i carried on playing and i started to like this game, the only problem is that updates should be alittle bit more often, but i know if we had updates often, it wont get exciting =P

That is how i found out about this game. Yes, i do prefer this game then other games, i used to play runscape and i became a member for 1month, intill i got hacked.

->How did you become the leader of #394 Blade of Honour and do you enjoy being leader?

Blade of Honour was founded my Archerblade at 04-19-09 till 05-21-09 when he gave leadership to Serpenta then at 08-05-09 Serpenta handed over leadership to me.

I found out about #394 Blade of Honour when i was the Clan leader of #336 Demons, inc. Blade of Honour was part of the clan chat allaince.

I started to relize that #394 Blade of Honour was not doing so well, so i was think on buying that clan, but i also wanted to buy a clan from masterTI called #265 The Elite Spawns.

MasterTI would of sold me the clan cheaper then #394 Blade of Honour but i prefer the name Blade of Honour the name was made by Archerblade.

I enjoy being clan leader, but its not an easy job, every morning when i wake up i've got over 20mail to read, all about the clan. Being the clan leader realy showed me how hard it is to recruit high level players, but then again i love the challenge.

->How much did it cost you to buy #394 Blade of honour, and was it worth it?

I brought Blade of honour, when there was about 20players and there was nothing going on, thats why i brought the clan for such a cheap price, it was 25,000gold and the price to make clan was 30,000gold, so i got 5,00gold cheaper.

It is worth to buy this clan, because it was such a low price to buy, and i have many friends from clan #336 demons, inc. so i just invited them to help me start up Blade of honour, In the first 3 hours we manage to recruit over 50player together, we all did the best we could do.

My aim for the clan is to get over 300heroes, and become one of the most popular clans on this game :)

->How are you going to improve Blade of honour?

I'm improving the clan every hour, thinking of events, and ideas from all clan mates,

We are going to have events more often, but i am aware that if we have to much events, the participaters, will become a lower amount, and the event will be less fun, so i am planing a event that goes on for maby 2weeks

I am now planning Powerful ranks, Clan web site and lots more fun activities, for all clan members.

Remember that i am working on Blade of honour 24 hours, so if anyone has got ideas for the clan please send me them.

Interviewed by Archerblade

one more thing if you want the interview to be more exciting make let it be posted by archerblade(it gives more sparkling to it) :)

and about your age from your english i`d say you are old but after looking at your pic`s then you look like 15 years old and you talk much so i`d say you are 14-15 years old


can u tell my age like this .. ?
for nks_dtii:
hmmmm-you haven`t posted anything and no picture so you are ether from age 10-16 cuz you said lolz insted of lols so you like sortcuts alot and people from this age like it very much

or you are 30 years old who don`t know how to spell

and i need more things about you to tell your age ^_^

and admins please don`t delte this.
im not interested
My friends that play this game are Dekaruss, BladyXmaster, Athenian and Demon_Warrior

Oops xD i forgot my other friend IdiotElf
Who is that magicboy? O_O
magicboy - I told you that in case if you want a real interview, wait(or ask) somebody write some information about on the forum and gather questions. And this person will ask a question on forum and you can answer online - during one hour.

Something like that - but this interview is bullshit. Archerblade asked only those questions that you want.
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2009-08-24 20:25:02 // Watch the language]
Selfmade interview :) He is 13. I do not know why it should be so a secret?
for Kusika:
hmm-Kusika your point of view is great but try to use less abusing words next time

for magicboy:
your interview is realy bad,if you have seen arctic`s interview or kotrin`s you would have seen that the kind of question they ask is 100% about the game not what do you play or how do you hand out

next time try to have someone ask thier questions not yours.^_^
I saw 2 interviews (Arctic and MasterTI) - and both is not good. We all saw only the Kotrin's point of view - its like politics. Someone can collect the questions from different people and ask in online mode.
hmm, thanks for ideas, and suggestions, next interview will be better :D:D
forgot another word, phailed - especially that you had to post it up by yourself
especially that you had to post it up by yourself

told you,you shouldn`t post it your self

and don`t make another interview,interviews are onley for important players who done so much to this game or very popular ^_^
hi there. basically i am not interested in those interviews ...better to use the time for other more productive activities, that to make interviews. who will be interesting in your personal activities or info can write directly to you.

my proposal is to make some challenges to other clans, to fight in teams ... let's say, 3 level X for our side with 3 level X from other clan's side .. winning this kind of fights will make us stronger and will give recognition (we should recruit the fighters from our side based on some points or statistics or...

magicboy: you seems older based on how you write and act :) ... which is good for you. keep up the good work!
for zorozo1: you should of writen that in another thread
there is not much info abt whats the reason u took leaderships is to fund ur char from clan money ...

just 1 example there are tons more in ur transfer log

08-23-09 07:27: Withdrawn 146000 gold from the #336 clan account
08-23-09 07:27: Withdrawn 146000 gold from the #336 clan account

Thats clan #336 dmeons, inc
all those gold gathered from taxes and donations went to your pocket?
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