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AuthorThe Successor of Dark Kingdom II.
Yo guys,how's things going on?I m back a last but I do had a bad news.Months ago,Queen of Vamp return and invite me to another game.I accept her invition and packed my stuff and ready to leave.

I wanna to give my clan to someone.And when I mean give.This mean I m giving it for free but with a few terms and condition through.

1.The successor must promise to raise the clan.
2.Once complete,I will be make the treasurer for at least 24 hour,to send all my treasury into the clan's account.
3.The clan's account is only to HELP THE CLAN.If the successor use more than 30 % of the money in a day.It's can consider as cheating and the successor can be banned.
4.Checking will be done unexpectly(Depend on when am I back).
5.Other than if you ask those who had position,you cannot fire them.But you can increase the amount of who you think can be trust to hold high position.(Notice for those who haven't had any clan experince before,only one can hold treasurer position)
6.Some promising arts will be transfer to the successor.(Some theif art)
7.All the rest will follow clan's rule.
8.CrossXvamki can add any extra terms and condition if needed.

Just post a comment if you are interested.
up sorry
i`m signing up for the leadership owning

trust me i have a billion great idea to develop the clan,inress it`s members,making it one of the top clans in .COM server

i hope i`m worthey of your trusthood

Had you read the terms and condition?
the terms are read and will be followed

but can i(if i have the place?) have a CO_manager
Nah,you are the manager after I leave.
if its not to late I would like to be the manager also
( a little healthy competition dante:)
for mageof10:
hmmm-we`ill just have to know what does cross says about it
yes.... we shall *clasps my hands together like the godfather*
Sometime things get too late to change mageof10.I edi choose LWM_Dante.

Oh yes

9.If the one holding position is offline more than 1 months.Leader cancel their pose and even membership if wanted.
..... -_- ok good luck with your new clan Dante
all,right people clan management is now by me if anyone wants to join just contact me or 1 of the reqruiters
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-08-24 19:42:04)
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