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AuthorReport AFKers?
Is there a way to do it?
Half the games I lost were because of people going AFK in mid-battle. I find it too frustrating that cursing them alone is not enough. There's got to be a way to make people more serious about it. Give us a REPORT AFK button at least!
Unless it's intentional, it's not against the rules to go AFK.
During cooperative combat?!
it's not against the rules to go AFK
Pretty annoying though
Seriously, the rules should be changed here.
You can't know if that player is away from keyboard or it's just a network problem..
A pattern should soon emerge if, say, one player gets reported 3 times a day. (Frankly, in that case I don't care if they are going shopping or their network is just permanently bad.)
DerMagus: You said it. Great way to put it.

And someone--probably FluxFluxFlux--suggested a great solution to it: After the third or fourth turn of inactivity (if by accident) or at will when the person actually needs to go AFK for a while, to let other players on his side control his units. That's not hard to program and control, I think.

What do you think about this, people?
No. Too much potential for abuse. It's a certainty that players on his side will sacrifice his units recklessly for personal gains.

I think it's simpler to let the computer make a move for him when his timer runs out, using the same intelligence as AI opponents. It probably won't be the best move, but better than no move at all. The compute sort of does that now, but the only move it makes is "Wait".
for HellCold:

look, i know what you're talking about, it's really annoying.

right now, the best thing would be to stay away from PvP unless you have few reliable friends to join you. on higher levels AFK is not too common, and even when it happens, it's not on purpose.
Guys, the question is whether you can report AFK-ers and how.

The question has roughly been answered and any discussion on why AFK is not reportable or solutions to the problem should be done in the Ideas and Suggestions thread in the many ideas of how to solve the problem

Like this one: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=103

closed by Lady Takesister (2009-08-20 02:30:21)
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