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AuthorTGI lease
TGI info
• option 1 u rent my tgi it only cost u the two teif arts no gold
(the first art turned in once u get to TG1 and the 2nd at TG2)
•option 2 40k gold in advance no arts to rent
• You must have GOOD artifacts or enough gold to buy/rent them so I can be certain you will finish in time. i may declines your offer
• Thief invite MUST be returned when you get to TG2; failing to do so within the max of 30 days, you accept to be blocked or pay 400k gold.
pm if interested
i will let u know if i aprove of Leasing u my tgi
08-24-09 19:54: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to brezuica . Transaction price: 40000 Gold
closed by azabukinie (2009-08-25 00:01:14)
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