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AuthorOther possible AFK solution
I think such a proposal would alleviate AFK-s without hurting too much those who afk: for example if your creature will not make any move and wait (without using 'wait' button) steering of your creatures will go to other players in team. Steering will change between all friendly players one after another. Above the afking player's hero, there could appear an information about player absence. And if he finally see that there's a battle, and wants to join, there could appear a button in his interface 'Join battle' or 'Stop afking' ;)

Now if whole team afks, battle will still go, so that afkers will get penalty by loosing, and non-afking won't have to stop battle.

I know that playing others' creatures may be controversive, but it would be a form of penalty and it will prevent whole team against loosing.

Maybe someone will propose some changes to this, but I think that main idea could help everyone.
it has been suggested before. It could work for a 2 vs 2, but what a 3 vs 3 group battle. If one player goes afk, how do you decide who gets to take control of the guys troops?

Like he said, they take turns. lol, did you read?
I didnt see that part, lol. Anyway, who would get the exp from the afk player's troops?


at higher levels, afk players are very rare anyway, so no need for a complicated new solution to the problem.
I believe the point is for lower levels, considering his level...no one would get the exp i assume.
Certainly experience may be dropped, so noone will get it. I think it would be good to make that change, for example using it could be optional, and will be set in battle options (that ones set whlie creating new battle). There may be some other minor problems with that idea, but they can be rather easily solved like this one. Solving afks once and for all is tempting.
Sorry for post after post, but i cannot edit. Another thing that could be added are simple instructions explaining to other payers that someone isn't playing, and others steer them (or noone steer, if all team is afk).
quote: "at higher levels, afk players are very rare anyway"

That's exactly the problem for lower levels! How long will it take to learn, if you fight so often with afk? Most probably you'll lost interest in the game, before you reach the higher levels. If I'm not wrong, this server would need to increase number of players.
The mechanism i proposed could exactly work like that: when someone wont do anything in his turn (time will pass without any action), then a warning will show in his window, that he is not responding, and if he wont do anything within 10 seconds, steering of his troops will go to other team members. Also a button will appear, whitch clicked will confirm player is not afk, and cancel the 10 sec. countdown to loosing steering of his creatures. Then after 10 sec. not respodning, others will be able to move his troops. On his window there still will be a warning, now telling he isn't steering, and a button, to taking steers at any time.
Hi, it's me again. I'm currently after another battle when someone won and lost because of afk. Maybe higher level players don't have that problem, but for low levels, which are surely the majority, it's simply a plague. In my last battle someone was late, because he was helping brother and forgot he signed in. Then in the middle, our two opponents went afk for unknown reasons. Then one of my team members went afk for a couple of turns and then come back. I personally also was afk few times because of such things like someone asks you for help or you must do something urguent. There is so much that can happen during the battle, that it is almost a must be in my opinion, to make such mechanism of giving steers to others. Sorry for posting so much about that but it's real plague and makes playing worse.

I'm also a progammer so i could even help in implementing. Few people that I told about that idea also liked it, so i think it could be made, at least optional. I would be more peaceful if someone tell me whether that it's for example too much effort to do it, or do it fast (as a programmer I will understand that ;), or that someone is already doing it, or that i could do it (i don't know whether the sources are open).

I belive in it so i'm so impatient.
PS. Another thing had pop into my head: there could be a button 'Give steering to others' that will automatically turn on that mode. That would be helpful when someone knows he must go, and he doesn't want to waste move.
yo flux, u say that u have to do some unexpected ok but now look at the higer lvl fights they take longer, they take much much longer don't u think that they have a higher problitly of going AFK then, they don't becosue lower lvl people don't care as much.

also the "give control buttun" would have to have wait atleast one turn so they are sure that the player is gone, also i think that it should go to a player of the same race if there is one.

but now what about the hero's turn, couse for us wizards our heros are just as much fighting as the troops are doing, we just don't die we run away at the end
I agree with Flux's idea. Come on, people, let's just do it!
maybe even easier is that after 2 turns wating without an action, the AFK becomes controlled by the AI (with a logic similar to that of any hunts, so little programming here) ... it won't take XP, SP, nothing, and the -2 to luck I would extend also to morale ...
this is really a good idea, i mean, people ask assistance in hunt you help them and what happens they are gonna afk you have to wait each turn, like 100 seconds and that makes someone crazy, i know it happened with all of you so this is a greate idea..
cmon people, this is THE solution of the afk problem, i have only one thing to say to admins: DO IT
The people that are higher levels generally are higher levels because they play this game almost nonstop.
To get anywhere within labor guild for example you have to spend months just to get to level 4 normally.
AFKs are a major problem. And for normal people often unavoidable. A good 3v3 usually takes about an hour. A lot can happen in that hour. I dunno about you people, but when something comes up 9 times out of 10 it's more important than a game.
If I had a kid and he/she started complaining about something I wouldn't say "shhh sweetie daddy has to finish this combat..." I'd take care of the more important things. Since Im in the military, I don't care HOW involved in a combat I am. If I am called over the loudspeaker, or if something happens I am leaving the game no questions asked.
If the people in charge of this game can't understand that, then to hell with them. This is a GAME. Key word is GAME. Sometimes games have to be stopped, or players removed due to life.
Anyone here that thinks otherwise SERIOUSLY needs to reevaluate their priorities. Yes, there needs to be a better system to handle AFK. This one is moderately decent. My suggestion for a penalty is the afk character gets xp for the units their units kills but as if they had lost the match. Those that lose the match get much less xp. Make it the same for AFK. If their team loses, then half the losing xp.
As for choosing which player gets control, the first remaining player that joined the side in question should do it. Those who join first take biggest gamble, might as well reward that.
this si good. that is all
maybe even easier is that after 2 turns wating without an action, the AFK becomes controlled by the AI (with a logic similar to that of any hunts, so little programming here) ... it won't take XP, SP, nothing, and the -2 to luck I would extend also to morale ...

I propose this again ... this is easy to understand and to implement ...
I agree with OndaNera,2 times in a row and the AI is go go go

The programming must be very easy to implement instead of running away after 3 turns of no action the AI takes over after 2 turns of no action (and takes over both hero and troops - like caravan no?)

Oh, and if the player is not active during setup, the AI takes over from 1st round.
Mostly, the AI sucks, but i think this is a pretty good idea. It's still better than not only the AFK's dying, but also extending the battle (it takes a lot of time for a AFK to die, and in that time, because of them, you might go AFK yourself.)
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