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AuthorDoes caravas' difficulty scale with arts worn?
Long story short:

I have lost severeal hundred caravans in a row wearing min AP in order to reduce their numbers. It seemed to work, at the end I was able to even defeat some. Before my losing streak my caravans were impossible even with best shop arts + thief arts + enchanted weapon.

Seeing my wins lately I decided to move back to full steel + def shield + SoM. Yeah, losing and losing and losing became a bit boring.

But now, to my surprise, with arts on many of my caravans are as strong as they used to be months (of losing) ago....

So my question:

Is my observation right, or have I completely forgotten how to play?
AFAIK, your observation is wrong. Caravan depends of your victories and defeats.

MasterTI told that your faction affect caravan strength too, but I'm not sure.

Remember that there is always a slight variation in troops and troop quality even at a fixed thread level.
I believe the faction related caravan strength is true, at least from my observation and some of my friends'.
I was thinking about switching to DE to do thief job long ago and started ambushing with mini-AP as a wizard, hoping to bring down the difficulties of the caravans a little bit. But soon I found out that a DE with much higher TG level would face much less troops in caravan. So what I did was pretty much a wasting of arts at most...
I would agree with Kotrin about the variety of the caravans. Now there are more caravan types for each faction. I found some easier than others. Maybe it is just bad luck running into a hard one which had not been met before...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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