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   Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others-->

AuthorViolation of the "CaA - Finance and others" rules
16. Game Administration is not an instrument of vengence to your offender. Characters caught creating topics like "I think there’s something wrong here – check him!" to retaliate at someone will be banned.

Grunge violated that rule by creating the topic


seeking revenge after my topic


in which I accused the player of denigration (which I consider it an uncivilized behaviour).

All the points the player covered in that topic already existed in the CaA (one being even new, just few topics away).

Best regards,
All the points the player covered in that topic already existed in the CaA (one being even new, just few topics away).

Well, this is quite obviously completely untrue. The thread to which you are referring only addresses Financial Assist regarding the SMithing activity in your transfer log. My post provides a great deal more information into more poential infractions. In any case Local Rule 1 may prevent me from posting in that topic on anything other than smithing assistance, which is but one of my concerns.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to look through 221 pages of transfers and 116 pages of combats? You can see from my posts above that my information is well researched. It takes quite some time to assemble and interpret all that data into a useable form. I have been doing this on and off since the original post where I identified that there were potential rules infractions involving your character, with time off to reply to your post in "Problems and Errors" (that was great fun and gave me many laughs BTW, thanks for that). I would say that assembling all the information I have since my last post regarding the matter (9pm, 24 July) until the first post in this thread (11AM, 26 July) is a pretty good effort wouldn't you?

I would have posted this information here, but I was checking with a Moderator that Local Rule 11 didn't prevent me from posting in this topic.

In any case, as a potential Forum Local Rules violation, the correct procedure would be to contact a Moderator rather than make a CaA post, don't you think?

Have Fun

Misleading information. Post #1 from that thread proves that.

PS: I won't continue this thread to become a flaming thread, so, I will post only if it will be necessary.

My final post (#119) in this thread was made @ 21:53pm 24 July 2009. I began researching logs soon after, all 337 pages of them.


My posting of this thread was made @ 11:02am on 26 July 2009. That's around a day-and-a-half not including time for sleep.

Which part of my information is misleading?

The thread to which you are referring only addresses Financial Assist regarding the SMithing activity in your transfer log.

Even the title of the topic: Violation of General Rules 3.8.1 by CGSMCMLXXV and Anita2008 proves the opposite of your above quoted affirmation.
All the points the player covered in that topic already existed in the CaA (one being even new, just few topics away).

Did you notice the quote before my statement. You were referring to a topic already existed in the CaA. This topic https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1860153 refers only to financial assist regarding smithing activity, does it not? As I also said My post provides a great deal more information into more poential infractions.. I think you may have misinterpreted again, don't you?

I already answered those questions in post #5. If you were really searching since you said you started, your topic name would have been other. But I can understand you were tired after searching in all my logs for finding something which doesn't exist. But that is not an excuse for seeking revenge for my topic


Feel free to create the correct topics in the correct subsections (or to continue other topics related to your complaints) and I won't accuse you for seeking revenge. I only request for your accusations to be well documented before making them publicly. You can even ask me personally or my clan members for more information about me. I promise you that I won't interfere and I won't try to influence their opinions. Also, I promise you I will give all the information about my activity in this game and I won't deny any word from those private mails. I am not seeking for a war in the forum, but I want all the accusations to be correct and well documented. Once again, I have nothing to hide, but I won't accept denigrations.

This game is for fun and the only wars should be on the battlefield and not in the forum. I would be glad if you would respect that. Thank you!

It seems that it is necessary to post here one final time.

The thread I created (which you are claiming is in the wrong forum) is regarding possible breaches of the General Rules. This is the correct forum for such topics. The thread for reference - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1860267

As I stated in post #2, you are claiming that I have breached the Local Rules of this forum. The correct procedure in such a case would be to bring the thread in question to the attention of a Moderator. I intend to do so for this thread, as it is not the correct place for such a topic (see Forum Local Rules #14).

My topic that you claim was for purposes of "revenge" was followed closely by a similar thread regarding other possible breaches of the General Rules by another player. It may have escaped your notice because it was regarding another player whose General Rule breaches I discovered just before I noticed that you might have some too. It was created well before this topic and it can be seen here - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1860271

You will notice that the above referenced thread was created less than half an hour after I had finished with posting the topic to which you have been referring to. My research and my topics were obviously not aimed solely at yourself.

In any case the Moderators can assess your claims of Forum Rule and Local Rule breaches.

Complaints and applications - Finance and others
This section is for complaints on players whose financial activity violates the rules.

Rule 3.8.1 is referring to players entering a combat from the same PC. Where is the connection in between them?
Strangely you have to go to the "CaA - Violations in tavern and battles" Read Me First! topic to get the answer. https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1853328

This forum is not for complaints on violations of multichar management rules, even if they include staged combat.

Kindly report those in "Finance and others" section of CaA.

This becomes to be off-topic, but since no moderator takes action, I feel compelled to answer.

In the first post of your topic you accused us of coordinating our actions. I never denied that because there is no rule against it. Playing from the same local network is not prohibited. Playing from the same PC is not allowed by the software itself. Clear accuse of Anita2008 being my multi wasn't stated in your post. Continuing to add more supposed violations of other rules implies you didn't aim to make a general complaint about my behavior in the game as you stated later, but you posted and you were still searching points to discredit my actions which means you were seeking for revenge. Even with your previous post (#10) you are adding more accusations not related to this topic.
Complaints and applications - Finance and others
This section is for complaints on players whose financial activity violates the rules.

Rule 3.8.1 is referring to players entering a combat from the same PC. Where is the connection in between them?

In post #9 you requested a "connection" between the "CaA - Finance and others" Forum and Rule 3.8.1 violation, and I did so in my post #10.

And now for a little trip down memory lane. In post #7 you state Feel free to create the correct topics in the correct subsections (or to continue other topics related to your complaints) and I won't accuse you for seeking revenge.

I believe that I have shown that the topic I posted that you have complained about is in the correct place. So when can I expect you to withdraw your accusation against me for "seeking revenge" as promised in the statement from post #7? Or don't you feel the need to keep your word?

I keep my word, I don't see the reason to withdraw my accusation. I still consider you guilty as charged. If you only aim for me to withdraw all my charges, that confirms my accusation to be correct.
Well, actually my aim wasn't for you to withdraw all my charges, it was just a good opportunity to show that you never intended to keep your word. I didn't expect that you would withdraw your accusations. I'm just happy to show everyone your true nature.

Feel free to create the correct topics in the correct subsections (or to continue other topics related to your complaints) and I won't accuse you for seeking revenge.

In the above quoted sentence (from post #7) you stated that if I "created the correct topics in the correct subsections" you would not "accuse you for seeking revenge".

My topic was cretaed in the correct forum "subsection". This topic is an accusation that I was "seeking revenge".

If you truly are a person that would keep my word, you would obviously withdraw this accusation. You haven't, so what does that say about you?

Have Fun

https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1860133&page=5 - check out post #113.

For Grunge:

Feel free to post it in CaA. You will have the same result as the others who did it: nothing. And you know why? Because there is no rule against smithing for 100% repairing cost. And, by the way, you can try to post a complain about maybe we are not BF and GF. Others tried unsuccessfully. Good luck! (For any other accusation, please, post it in CaA.)

Just to lay this issue to rest and in case any Admin happens across this thread and isn't aware of the context in which it originated.

CGSMCMLXXV himself suggested that if I had any concerns, I should post in the CaA forum.

Case closed?

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