They are obviously cheating, using the Player Yaxo to supply them with a huge amount of gold and resources. They might also very well be multis, based on their transfers and their player ids, which shows that they have been created right after each other, but i don't know this for sure.
i'm sorry if they have already been reported, which seems pretty likely, since it's that obvious, but i didn't find anything using the search function, so i'll rather make sure that the cheaters get punished.
07-01-09 23:35: Transferred 129000 Gold 12 Gems 19 Crystals 15 Sulfur 4 Mercury 47 Ore 34 Wood to BrotherST : imk bro
07-01-09 23:33: Received 258869 Gold 24 Gems 38 Crystals 29 Sulfur 8 Mercury 94 Ore 68 Wood from Yaxo : |