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AuthorLeveling up!
Is there a way to level up fast, because i am playing this game for 2 months and i am only level 3.Hunts take so long to use, becouse i have to wait so long to start a hunt.
And i am only hunter level 1 so i don't get much exp when hunting.
At level3 u must archive level 2 laborer guild, because u can freely join hunt,battle till u reaching lvl5 then u must have minimum art, that required gold. for reaching lvl up faster u can join duel or group fight.
How to achive laborer guild level 2. What to do?
Laborer guild is your key to leveling up. You have chosen a faction which I think is the strongest and hardest to play with. If you want to level up fast, buy some artifacts, join group battles and have fun. You can be level 5 in a week.
How to achive laborer guild level 2. What to do?

Enroll much. Everytime you play, you see a mine, you can write the code every hour. This gives you plenty of gold, later you can try enrolling in facilities or some other means to gain gold, but mining is a good start.
if you want fast level up, do pvp's (player vs. player). still, it's not recommended because you will reach a point where you will have a big lack of money. that's why everybody is recommending you to level up in laborers guild before leveling up with your hero.
for Merlin10:

Wizard needs a lot of gold to be strong at higher level. At the rate you are going -

Combat level: 3 (10372) +4628
Wizard: 1 (47.87) +2.1
Hunters' guild: 1 (53.50) +6.5
Laborers' guild: 0 (19) +71

you are already very weak for your level. If you still want to level up fast, you will be one of the weakest wizard at your level (whatever level that may be).

Take a look at some of the other Wizards' stats (and even other factions) for your level, and you'll know what I mean.

You need to enrol for work and do hunts every chance you get to get your hunting and labor guilds up, or you are probably gonna regret all the hours you have 'wasted' on your character.

All play and no work makes a poor and weak Wiz. :)
Oh, just to add - Leveling up on Hunting and Labor guilds gives your troops bonus attack and defense stats, not to mention more gold for every job you take when you level up on Labor guild.
closed by Lord Merlin10 (2009-07-14 18:42:37)
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