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Author6000 messages w00t!
Let's flood our hearts out and reach 6000 messages!!!

To mods: please don't lock this let us have one topic to flood

To diversecity: cover up ;)
everyone start then.
can we? :'(
might as well =)
_ _
you are such a copycat it was good before, but now this just seems like a waste of my life
life is short lived while sitting at a computer desk ;}
10000 would have lasted longer :p
where is a forum mod when you need one? they are the best at spamming
where is a forum mod when you need one? they are the best at spamming

:O How dare you! *feels insulted* :P
oh,no this again who will finish every one is recovering from the flooding in the last one :P
just close this one and make 10000 messages w00t! then 20000 messages w00t! then 40000 messages w00t! then 100000 messages w00t!
lol mayby just leave it at this, it could be like a chat forum about anything =)
i created a guide "how to transfer items to repair"
oh, god now 6000
oh,no this again who will finish every one is recovering from the flooding in the last one :P

My flood fazar's batteries needs to be charged and my flood-mobile needs to get more NoS. Oh ya, my Hydra Bane Blade needs to get all the hydra blood cleaned off

cover up hehe
5982 posts to go:P
Aw man wasting once.......
kotrin, come out, come out, wherever you are,

feel the power of the flood


cover up hehe
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