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Authorbest of the teirs
just type what u think is the best at each teir
teir 1-4 use upgrades
1 skel bow
2 shrews
3 cerberi
5 hydra
6 tree folk
7 green dragon
GM Bowmen
Any Dragons

No of course I'm not biased.
ooo twilight dragons more good than green dragons
1 sprite
2 shrew
3 chief orc
4 mistress
5 hydra
6 cavalry
7 no idea :D
1. Sprites
2. Shrews
3. Cerberi
4. Vampires
5. Hydra's
6. Spynx Warriors
7. no idea

All no retaliation :D
GM Bowmen
tree folk
black dragons
de has all of them if numbers are the same
1 Gremlin Engineers
2 Enchanted garg0rz
3 Steel Golems
4 Lorekeepers
5 Senior Genies
6 Sphynx Guardians
7 Titans
8 Me
1. Sprites : No retal and lot of inits + Lucks
2. Shrews (U all know the reasons) and Wolf raiders
3. GM bowmen
4. Imperial Griffins
5. Rocs
6. Cavalries
7. Arch-Angels (when implemented)

No wizards and necros creatures : Coz They are really suck (necros in morales and Hps) and wizards in HPs, Attack, inits and defence .. :)
1 skelly bows
2 X-bows
3 G-masta bows
4 Mistress....bows
5 Monks
6 Dark Witch
7 Green Dragons

a near all-shooter army
1 hobgoblins
2 shrews
3 orc chieftain
4 imperial griffin
5 deephydra
6 - hard to choose
7 - hard to choose

no doubt, definitely.
1 Hobgoblins
2 Srews
3 Grandmaster Bowmen
4 Mitress
5 Hydra
6 Cavalary
7 Twilight Dragon

1. Sprites
2. Shrews
3. Cerberi
4. Vampires
5. Hydra's
6. Spynx Warriors
7. Titans
1 Sprites
2 Shrews
3 Guardians
4 Lizard assailant
5 Deep hydra
6 Treefolk
7 Magma dragon XD
1 Skelets ! not skelet bowmen they suck
2 Zombies the most powerfull attack tier 2
3 Golems - one of the fastest creatures in game
4 Lizards - they are massive 4 squares !
5 Unicorns - they are so beutiful
6 Sphynx - terrible in their blue minds
7 Bone dragon - they can fly !
1 Skeletal Bowmen
2 Shrews
3 Cerberi
4 Lizard Assailants (For all doubters, in full charge they easily dish out 1000 damage, in PvP)
5 Hell horse/Nightmare (-3 morale to enemy around it, fear attack, decent damage range, excellent stats, extremely fast, hydras suck in comparision)
6 Sphynx (no retaliation)
7 Black dragons, obviously
1. skeleton bowmens maybe spawns
2. shrews
3. orc thief or cerberi
4. lizard assailant
5. upgrade hell horses
6. black knight from HOMM 3 :P or Cyclops
7. titans
i change my 7 to titans.... now an all- shooter army
only teir 1-4 can be upgraded
1. skeleton bowmen they own sprites lol
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