Author | Illegal multis - OwNeD / PayaSiN / Anubiss |
Player OwNeD has received over 35k from their multi PayaSiN (received = 52186 / sent = 16481).
Also many transaction between undisclosed multi Anubiss (see wording of profiles! They have EXACTLY the same text including grammar & misuse of capitalisation) and the other 2 characters.
OwNeD profile:
This is a Main Character . i have addictional character is PayasiN
i play in cibercafe normally to much account with same ip
PayaSiN profile:
This is an additional character . My main character is OwneD
AnubisS profile:
This is a Main Character . i have addictional character is SchweppesS
i play in cibercafe normally to much account with same ip
Transactions between OwNeD & PayaSiN
Total Received = 52186
06-13-09 23:33: Received 1300 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-13-09 22:32: Received 1000 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-13-09 22:32: Received 1464 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-13-09 22:22: Received 4500 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-08-09 19:54: Received 1562 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-07-09 03:12: Received 600 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-06-09 21:22: Received 7200 Gold from PayaSiN : steel cuiras
06-06-09 21:00: Received 5000 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-06-09 20:52: Received 2000 Gold from PayaSiN : amulet
06-06-09 20:48: Received item(s): 'Medal of bravery' [25/25] from PayaSiN . Transaction price: 1 Gold
06-06-09 03:58: Received 10260 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-04-09 01:10: Received 9 Ore from PayaSiN :
06-04-09 00:52: Received 2 Ore 9 Wood from PayaSiN :
06-03-09 21:15: Received 8000 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-02-09 02:52: Received 12000 Gold from PayaSiN :
06-01-09 23:32: Received item(s): 'Medal of bravery' [25/25] from PayaSiN . Transaction price: 1 Gold
05-29-09 12:50: Received item(s): 'Medal of bravery' [25/25] from PayaSiN
05-26-09 23:47: Received 4000 Gold from PayaSiN : ur neck
05-26-09 16:44: Received item(s): 'Medal of bravery' [25/25] from PayaSiN . Transaction price: 1000 Gold
05-26-09 16:36: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [10/10] from PayaSiN
05-25-09 01:15: Received 3000 Gold from PayaSiN : MAgic schools
Total sent = 16481
06-06-09 03:45: Transferred 1285 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-06-09 03:00: Transferred 262 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-06-09 00:42: Transferred 1000 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-05-09 00:00: Transferred 17 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-04-09 01:10: Transferred 1524 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-04-09 00:58: Transferred 32 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-04-09 00:50: Transferred 2000 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-03-09 21:46: Transferred 1139 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-03-09 20:53: Transferred 4000 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-03-09 01:41: Transferred 200 Gold to PayaSiN :
06-01-09 23:31: Transferred 1300 Gold 1 Crystals to PayaSiN :
05-31-09 22:46: Transferred 1300 Gold 1 Crystals to PayaSiN :
05-29-09 12:49: Transferred 1300 Gold 1 Crystals to PayaSiN : for buy neck moral
05-26-09 16:36: Transferred 322 Gold to PayaSiN : for u neck
05-23-09 03:01: Transferred 800 Gold to PayaSiN : for take ur minoos
OwNeD =
PayaSiN =
Anubiss = |
Also strong links with player Camera's multi ring all of which have already been permanently blocked.
May well be additional accounts of the same player. |
im calling master ti to stop this noncence [Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-07-06 21:55:15 // Bring facts or refrain from commenting here. Relapse.] |
Does yet another Camera incarnation raise its head?
Player conna -->
Lots of gold and items received in many cases more than the 30% of net worth allowed with very few repaid and many with no transfer description.
Can admin check this characters IP too and see if it is the same as the others? |
received gold a lot.... ( + char has upgraded units & only 80 pt's in LG 0 ) |
All 3 players have now been blocked so this tread can be closed and thank you admins. |