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AuthorGoodbye MasterTI
Never thought i'll be writing a goodbye thread but here it is...

MasterTI has decided to leave the game just when he was about to level.
His profile bears the harsh shocking message "quit :( "
the impact of a single word is surely going to turn the server around...

now we'll never know about dragons and t5 upgrades till Kusika,kiskoko or the others level up.

personally i don't care about lv 14 or the upgrades, i have lost a dear friend, a chat mate, a clan mate :'(

we will all miss his huge :grins: in chat...

all the best in real life :)
what? how can he quit?!?! Why? he just leave...O_O

oh my god...wonder if this game is dead.
another top play is gone!
who is next!
Bye masterTi, Good luck in life.
goodbye n gl in RL
byes...why would he quit right before level 14? wouldn't he at least want one battle with dragons?

Is he trying to make a point?
Blasphemy, I shall not believe it
wow it is a complete shock.:((
He never seemed to be losing any interest. Something doesn't seem right...

He never hinted anything?? how odd.
And that's my point on making more updates. High level players will leave.

For MasterTI:
Good Luck in Real Life.
Is he trying to make a point?

guess so..
I feel like such an idiot, but that actually emotionally impacted me, LOL, I never even knew him well.
this prooves this game is dead.
That's just too funny to be true ...
well tbh, he did drop a few hints about quitting in chat... but i never believed him :'(

who could have thought that he was actually serious when speaking with the ':P'
anyone want to arrange a stake about the next top 25 leavin?
As MasterTI's mistress, im deeply hurt by this
i just hope he returns :(
noooooo ! its impossible you better stay ! we got unfinished buisness ! duel me!
what is his hint?

can you tell us?
LOL Nottingham

I know, MasterTI was scared! Of course! I should have known...
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