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Authorwhat can a demon level 3 beat?
i am a level 3 demon-
i cant beat anyone in a duel especially elf.
i have 20 mana waiting for level 5 magic arrow but i wear a steal blade so i got 4 attack so that is ok now
what can i beat?
i dont think i have won a duel yet but i lose about 20
elven kill my wolf easily
so do orcs with no melee penalty.
tamed mino and rogue from dark elf are too strong.14 wolf got killed by 9 mino.
what can i beat?
well one of your problems are your stats. You don't have to wait for lvl 5 for your spells because you can always use the potion of oblivion to reset your stats. So statwise the best you can do is probably add attack after resetting your stats because knowledge isn't at this stage.

I'm not the best in the way o strategy but all I can think of is to make the most of your gating ability because it actually is quite useful.
Use gated stacks to take out retaliation for strong units.
With shooters you can block their attacks with gated stacks. Gated stacks can also help get rid of weak units that stop you from blocking shooters.
Hope this helps a bit.
so who is easiest to beat at level 3 if i am demon?
Not too sure about that. All I know is not to vs elves unless you have a really guood fool-proof strategy.
I suggest doing hunts if you can because you'll increase both faction and HG level. Bigger faction lvl = bigger stacks and the extra attack from HG is better than it seems.
but i only get like 100 exp from hunt. every half hour.
I believe you are trying to level up too quickly. Like what some of the other have said, try to do hunts and work every opportunity you get to build up your Hero and troops. It's better to be a one of the strongest lvl 3 players, than to be one of the weakest lvl 4 players.

One thing you MUST do is get the potion of oblivion and reset your parameter stats. Half your attack/defense parameter points is sitting at Knowledge doing NOTHING. You could easily double your attack damage or lessen the damage taken to your troops if you put that 2 para points to Attack or Defense.

If you insist on putting it there, then seriously, no tactics or strategy will help you against most players who are maximizing their parameter points, coz you are giving them a HUGE advantage even before the battle starts.
but i am using a steel blade which is cheap
closed by McNuggets (2009-06-28 09:38:46)
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