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AuthorRenting out thief guild invite

• The moment you reach level 2 thief guild, you transfer the invite back to me for 1 gold.
• 3000 gold a day, up to 14 days. After that the price is 4000 pr. day
• Deposit is 50.000 and will be used as part of the contract settlement
• Thief arts gained are not part of the contract
• If the invite is no returned within 45 days, -yourname- automatic agrees to the buy the invite for 400.000 or have the account blocked.
• Settlement will be done once the thief guild invite has been returned.
• Combat level 6 required
Send me a PM if you wish to do business, but know that the contract is no effective until both you are I clearly have posted below, agreeing to a set of terms.

PS. It is recommended that you have quite stack of arts or a decent amount of gold before you take on this task, since 120-140 combats with full arts are no cheap to pull off.
Currently no waiting list
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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