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AuthorTGI for rent
3k each day for the first two weeks.
4k each day after that.
When you reach TG lv2,
Return back the TGI to me.

Keep the two thief arts yourself.
Check the thief art price at the market.
Too expensive ?

change the rent choice.

Gold Only, 3k each day.
When you reach TG lv2, transfer the TGI back to me.

When you reach TG lv2, transfer the TGI back to me.
And also Two thief arts to me.
For every un used day, I pay back 2k gold to you.
But,if more than 2 weeks, 2k gold to me each day.

PM me.

1) Gold only.
2.5k each day.
But if more than 2 weeks, pay me 3k each day.

2) Two thief arts for two weeks rental.
For every unused day, I pay back 3k gold each day unused.
But if more than 2 weeks, pay me 2k each day.

PM me if you want to rent my TGI.
id like to rent for #2
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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