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from where do the most players come? i live in india and when it is morning or afternoon here the number of players goes below 800 and when it is night here the number of players is above 1200.
Whois Record for Lordswm.com

Visitors by Country:
India 50.1%
Thailand 8.2%
Malaysia 8.1%
Sweden 4%
Germany 3.7%
Ukraine 3%

Visitors by City:
New Delhi 8.7%
Jakarta 6.5%
Bangalore 6.4%
Petrozavodsk 4.2%
Bangkok 3.9%
Copenhagen 3.8%

Alexa Trend/Rank: #37,566 : for the last three months.
Compete Rank : #529,061 with 2,395 U.S. visitors per month
Quantcast Rank : #416,754

quoted from some domaintools site.
whoah so most of the people playing this game are Indians?

and I thought they are russians.

or this is the report of visitors?
Anyone who click and connect to lordswm.com can be considered as visitors.
But we can conclude that most of ppl who visit lordswm.com has gotta be ppl who play the game. Btw somehow, i think this fact is relevant to a certain previous thread which said that .com is "second class citizen".
there are also a few Italians like me ;)

I created the "second class citizen" thread and I NEVER (emphasis: NEVER) insinuated www.lordswm.com is a game for "second class citizens" becasue it has a majority of Indians.

I feel it is for second class citizens because:


Read my 5th post...

Please feel free to voice your opinion... (read my posts 43 and 80). Constructive criticism plz.
and i wrote this not because Indian or non-indians...i am not a racist if thats what you're talking about, i think you should know better than that.

in my suggestion, i am thinking of the admin's first program when they start this .com is because they wanted to provide the global version of heroes for the russian community all over the world first and european or american country first considering the benefit that they could have gotten from those developed countries. In other words, -IMO- the admin was not expecting that Asian countries become the main visitors for this dear lordswm.

thats only my personal opinion, you may agree or somehow not with that, i am cool with that.
Well, if you think about it, there's nothing surprising having many Indian people playing here. India is very populated to compared to Russia or even Western Europe.

The game is in English, the common language of India (contrary to China, another large pool of potential players).

The game is free (you can go up to level 13 without paying a single ˆ) and played in a browser, making it affordable to many as long as they have a computer and a connection. No need for expensive configurations.

But I tend to agree with Ganz, I think admins aimed at Western Europe when designing the .com server of the game (the currency used for Diamonds makes it obvious.) Wonder if these statistics will change anything?
"Wonder if these statistics will change anything?"

well, i dont think that this statistic will change anything, because if i were the admins, i would be grateful if my project has got a quite impressive response from many ppl/players eventhough my first objective was not fulfilled. In fact, i wouldn't mind to use this statistic for further improvement in my project.

But, back to topic anyway, the reason why i insert this statistic is to answer the question from the thread starter (Tanmaypoke) which is "from where do the most players come?"

but my problem is of players. if the indians are the most in the game why does everyone come at night. why not in the morning or afternoon.
if the indians are the most in the game why does everyone come at night. why not in the morning or afternoon.

Ermm.. I dunno about the time zone u are talking about, but... coz most players are also students/working people who are at school or work in the morning and afternoon?
An interesting question might be how many of those players are actual players and how many are just cheaters' multis...

Europe, east from Italy, nord from Greece. ^__^
where did you get that statistic from? link please.
I really doubt half of the players are from India.
i dont believe that list. maybe when i see list i believe
google domaintools D:<
is there anyone from Albania or Kosovo?
why there are so few us?
I know my clan have at least more than 100 more us
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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