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AuthorWeirdest person in game, ever
Celtic [7] [Barbarian] [10]
Dan-Panic [10] [Necromancer] [10]
david7000 [1] [Wizard] [10]
Goddess_Amanda [6] [Necromancer] [10]
Im_a_noob [9] [Elf] [10]
ishan [7] [Dark elf] [10]
i_Hate_U [9] [Knight] [10]
Kingsid [6] [Dark elf] [10]
Kiz [9] [Dark elf] [10]
mollore [5] [Dark elf] [10]
Queen_Amanda [8] [Dark elf] [10]
RandhyTheDarks [11] [Dark elf] [10]
SirMorton [6] [Necromancer] [10]
Takesister [8] [Necromancer] [10]
wizardhero [6] [Wizard] [10]
Z3R0_Defect [2] [Dark elf] [10]

Each vote only for 1 hour.

heal for weirdest, hurt for de-weirdest

*the names are based on chatties on

5:39, 747 online
did u ask them if they wanted to participate?
why arent I on there lol

I can think of soo many more people that are weird that arenmt on there ;)
DesperateDesire (lol)
Me (rotfl)
spartan is weird for sure:P
spartan is weird for sure:P
I don't think any of them are weird
spartan is weird for sure:P
I Can be wierd to.. Really Wierd.. d:D
But somtimes Im not. Cuase alot of other people Are.
Should of consulted people before you listed them :P Where I am from calling someone wierd is a big insult . Please remove my main and alt from the list
Action: Posting characters who dont want to be apart of these Hurt/Heal games.
Reaction: <target terminated>
closed by Skunder (2009-06-11 02:59:12)
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