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Authorsherif guild: am i da sheriff? (i did not shoot any deputy)
hi folks (greats to alyna ; ),

i heard about the idea to install something like a sherif-guild.

i am level 9. sherifing is possible from level 6. so i am sherifing since 4 levels.

if i counted exactly (browsing my combat log), i got 23 sheriff-points (won 23 times when getting thieved).

who got more at level 9 or any level?

i will create a thread subsequent, where you can post your sheriff-score.

please just add to your datas to chart.

THX, gg and have fun

and please do not shoot any sheriff

- ElementalAli 9 23
great idea :) but i need to dig in to back when i was a DE or Demon...
at lev 9:
93 points + several double ambushes that I did not count

lev 10 in progress
misself has lots too
Hmmm... can you be both "sheriff" and "thief" at the same time? XD

Hmmm... can you be both "sheriff" and "thief" at the same time? XD

sound like Chicago
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