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Authorcreature sets

I usually use different creatures for hunting and for pvp (I take full rogues in hunt, and full minotaurs in pvp) and it consumes too much time to reorganize the troops and I often miss the fight I wanna join. So I'd like to implement something like the item sets in inventory. You would just save two independent troop formations and switch them with a single click whenever needed.
i like the idea but take full rogues for pvp
oh damn, I forgot I'm on alt, sorry O.o

there is a nice army set script, you can store multiple sets of different factions of your choice,

to use you need firefox + greasemonkey addon.
those scripts don't work for me. there's an error when i download it so it would be nice if the admins could implement them for everyone.

P.S. im not the only one with the script problem
The scripts dont work however i have free space, firefox + greasemonkey addon, scripts and all those things
But some of us can't get greasemonkey, so I think it's a +1 idea.
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