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AuthorNo Chat in ambush?
i was wondering why there was not chat in ambush, just recently started getting attacked. but this time i was pissed so i wanted to talk to the person and couldn't, then i beat him, and wanted to laugh at him but couldn't. so either way it sux. i mean is the reason there is not chat because people get so angry about it?

and why cant you see the names?
In my opinion, its because of the emotions that you have described that chat is not allowed in single ambush and in the times when you are ambushed with another player, it is to prevent them from coordinating their attacks against the ambusher.
Because if you can see the thief's name and he is your friend, there is a huge possibility that you don't want to fight him OR he will intentionally lose to you.

The same goes to the chat.
Imagine.. if you are my friend, then I send you message "hey trufle..I am h4nd just let me win this time OK??", and you said.. "OK"

No fun, right ??
yea but thats no different then the group battles or 1v1.
for trufleshufle13:
in group battles you need to talk to your partners therefore chat is given
in thieving I am really lucky that there is no chat coz every player you ambush will insult or harass or would give you some worst wishes which could distract you while battling.
because there is really no need. i mean, if your getting attacked randomly by a masked killer, would you be talking to him?
That's why it's called "Thief" or "Thieving"

Silent mode, same as in real world that no thief is talking too much, and if I meet some of the thief, I'll just fight my best.

Win or Loose doesn't really matter.

If you want to play quick, just set your troops minimally.
If you want to play quick, just set your troops minimally.

Yes, that's what I do when I travel. Thieves are thieves coz they are poor, so I like to help them. Let them take a little of my gold, and let us go our merry way. :)

That being said, anyone knows the formula (I know there's some randomness in it) how much gold is robbed for an ambush? Is there a min n max range?
im just saying, there is chat in 1v1, no planning needed there. i know it wont change but i wish i could have laughed at him a little after beating his ambush. its a good feeling.
Gold robbed is ~50-100 gold.

Yes, that's what I do when I travel. Thieves are thieves coz they are poor, so I like to help them. Let them take a little of my gold, and let us go our merry way. :)

If you ever reach my level, please wear full arts for me to ambush. I get more xp/sp out of you that way. I always spend way over 10x the gold I rob on my arts.
for Jedi-Knight:
travle with no troops so you get monks. then when the monks die the thief get alot of exp/sp :p

when i walk on the map, i am full, but that is not ok. sooner or later, you will play TG and you'll see why :)

thieves can't choose what or whom they will attack, and it is just another guild which gives bonuses to your character so everyone plays it. i don't know if there's any level 10 (non-multi) character that is not a thief.. there probably is, but, yeah, everyone plays TG sooner or later.

caravans that thieves ambush most of the time, become harder and harder, and thieves hope for no arts players, and no army players, 'cause that's easy TG point

anyway, when i walk in full AP, and win against thief that is trying to reach TG2 in order to return leased TGI, i do feel bad. but, hey, i like to win and get xp against thieves :D

now, if the chat would be allowed, and one of my friends ambush me, i would let him win. 'cause if victim loses, that's not too bad, but if thief loses, he can't ambush for another hour, he wasted his expensive arts that he has to wear in ambushes, and he doesn't get cheap TG point that he could have got.. off course that friends would let thieves win, and that's a fact.

when you start TG, you will change your mind and realize that, actually, people traveling with full arts are evil..

and this is the most evil player that ever played:


i wish i could have laughed at him - great :D

but that's also evil.. most thieves don't wear best arts and it is not to difficult to defend against ambush. so it is like joining random challenge that turns to duel (like when only 2 players join), you are full, and the opponent isn't, and than you win, and in the end you laugh at him.. that's just bad.

anyway, don't laugh at thieves, if you wouldn't like others to laugh at you
you can laugh at him after the battle. you just need to now to using pm :)
for 13 no you cant because you never know their names. and for #12 saying im evil for wanting to laugh at them is ridiculous. its the thieves guild. thieves are bad people out to do bad things. im not saying i wouldnt love to be a thieve because i would.

but i would expect keeping in with the "fantasy" of the game, that people would not like when i try to commit a crime, thieving, against them.

If someone tries to commit a crime towards you and they fail miserably, it is by all means ok to laugh at them.

and dont make it out to be "just another guild" every fantasy game has an "evil" or "bad" guild and in this one it is the thieves guild.

but like i said, if i ever had the chance i would join in a second so it not like im going against it, its just that you need to know what your doing by getting into it.

"you are full, and the opponent isn't, and than you win, and in the end you laugh at him.. that's just bad"
if i protect my self walking down the street by being stronger then my attacker that is wrong?? with that mentality i should never defend myself or take precautions when walking in a bad neighborhood because that would be bad and people trying to rob me would think im evil.
you know the name of the evil villain when you are looking in your combat log :). even though you cannot see the name during the combat, you can see his name (and ID) after the fight :)
oh really, lol awesome im going to go find him now. thanx
for Jedi-Knight:
travle with no troops so you get monks. then when the monks die the thief get alot of exp/sp :p

Hmm.. I doidn't know u get monks if u travel with no troops. That's why i always travel with 1 Recruit. heh.. So next time any of u ambush a level 7 knight with 1 recruit and no arts, u know who it is. hehe..

But I might just take up misself suggestion and travel with no troops....
Oh dang... now I feel bad...

I was just ambushed, and guess what. Someone was also ambushed together with me. She had like full troops and probably (didn't check) had some arts on since she was traveling with full troops. And I had.... 1x Recruit. :S

I'm pretty sure she must have thought we had the thief beat when she saw me beside her during the setup of troops. I drag to imagine her surprise (and shock) when the battle revealed I had only 1 measly recruit (and no arts). I felt I had let her down. SIGHHHH.. :/
always travel fully equipped. thieving shouldn't be easy.
Gold robbed is 40-80 gold per TG level. On low levels (both combat and TG) it is indeed about 50-100 gold.
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