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AuthorAmount of attempts?
On the Tournament page (for last week's tournament), this line peeved me so much. I wonder who did the translation. "Amount of attempts" is incorrect. It should be "Number of attempts". I hope they get this right at the next tournament.
+ 1 good catch ;)
Come on, man. It's part of the game's charm, along with common user terms "fractions" and "golds."
"fractions" and "golds."

Those words are player made, "amount" is something that admins have used in place where it's clearly wrong use of English.
I wasn't really that serious. My whole point was it's not a big deal. XD
My whole point was it's not a big deal. XD

It's not of prime importance, but a website having the right usage of a language is always a good thing :)
If you really want to get picky, you could find errors thoughout the game. Here's one for example:

Elven bowmen deal 500 points of damage, one perish.

1 perishes
2 perish

But I guess your original idea and Suggestion would be to do an edit of the written content. Agreed
Actually your example is of lazy or easy programming. The other examples are of pure language mistakes. :)
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