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AuthorOMG ^^ What a sequence :(
Look at the roulette spin history .. how the number "29" is REALLY dominating the Sequence .. OMG .. ^^ what a sequence .. really strange, fun and unpredictable .. :(
i've seen 3 in a row before but 4 times!! never
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-06-03 05:18:29 // Do not post in full capitals. Relapse.]
Crazy roulette .. :( UNPREDICTABLE .. :(
was the same with number 34 last night
Big wins again..

me not involved
very strange
we shall bet on 29 next roulette???
There are 3 similar names, win the roulette..
5,000 NightStalker3 Straight up 36 180,000
6,000 NightStalker311 Straight up 36 216,000
5,000 NightStalker113 Straight up 36 180,000

All of them have surplus in roulette bet.

Roulette bets total: 432,350
Roulette winnings total: 879,150

Roulette bets total: 345,956
Roulette winnings total: 448,006

Roulette bets total: 405,563
Roulette winnings total: 939,418
and all of them, the 3 musketeer, err I mean the 3 nightstalker transferring gold to each other like bank network :)
last archive of roulette
February 2009 archive
link -

there is not archives on last month and current month.

Roulette is evil =) i tryed some times ago and dont want again =)
hmm >:\ an intentional cheating. Kotrin would say "an aggravating circumstances we have here"...
Roulette bets total: 432,350
Roulette winnings total: 879,150

Roulette bets total: 345,956
Roulette winnings total: 448,006

Roulette bets total: 405,563
Roulette winnings total: 939,418

and all of them, the 3 musketeer, err I mean the 3 nightstalker transferring gold to each other like bank network :)

Ermm.. is this even allowed?
Ermm.. is this even allowed?
sure, unless he broke the formula...
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // ]
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2009-06-01 21:06:54 // Flood]
there is not archives on last month and current month. What admins wanna do with this ?? they are trying to hide the "new algorithm" to generate the roulette .. :) They change it .. :) I believe it.. :)

But for nightstalkers : LUCKY GUY(s) :)
the first part of your quotation is totally allowed. at least there is no rule against very, very strange luck in roulette. on the other hand, transferring gold to each other like bank network is totally not allowed. as well as not stating your multis.

what formula? if you are talking about breaking the .rar pass of the archive with the roulette results for the next month, i doubt this is the case.

the thing that bothers me is why the hell, if we assume one is too smart to get the results, would register so obvious multis? and moreover try to hide them (by not stating them in his info)... which makes the things even more ridiculous.

one thing i'm sure - this is not a pure luck. nobody could be that naive.

Randhy, Randhy... :}
I think they are multis
all roulette statistics of lordswm.com -its in russian, but you can use translate
it happened again!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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