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Authori am the best player in this game
flooding game? xD
Lol, that's a very humble opinion indeed XD
Pfff no way you are the best.

EVERYONE can beat you and here is proof:
for Shebali:
i am humble
Is that why you lost about half of your player ambushes?
Not half..6 out of 10.
6 out of 10 is about half you know -_-
The battle you lost is more than me, I am level 8:)
do you think that i want to win a battle and get 1000-2000 exp
it will be bad if i put hunter records
do you think that i want to win

OK, so what are you up to then? No significant records made, no great faction skill, hunter guild, mercenary, thief, so I am asking the question: What is your precise goal to be best at? Getting pawned to the ground by traveling victims? :-)

(there should be an anti-sarcasm rule on the forum to shut me up)
there should be an anti-sarcasm rule on the forum to shut me up
lol, better not. How would I ever post outside QaH then? :)
woooo *faint*
for Omega22:
No significant records made - hunter records - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1853826
for CitizenX:
yes, i know, but dont speak such about yoursekf more
u are the BEST im your FAN !!!!! GO QUYZA
i question u
give me 10,000 gold to prove u are the best :D
seesh...what a show off.
I am the worst player in the game
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