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AuthorFinancial Assist from a Previously Fined Player
Temka - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4519799

Player was originally fined 380k and his main blocked because of financial assistance

04-28-09 19:26: Player was imposed a penalty of 380000 gold. // Financially assisted by: sasha123 [8]

Apparently he has not learned his lesson and on the day after he got fined, this character was created:

artemb123 - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4558834
04-29-09 13:36: Registered. Faction: Knight.

Not sure, but this could be his new alt.

Transfer log of Temka

05-11-09 17:50: Transferred item(s): 'Steel blade' [29/30] to artemb123
05-11-09 17:50: Transferred item(s): 'Leather armor' [24/25] to artemb123
05-11-09 17:49: Transferred item(s): 'Medal of bravery' [24/25] to artemb123
And these transfers cannot be classified as a gift either because the total value of Temka is negative gold at the moment.
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