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Authorhate to elf
who can kill elf. i only see elf as can kill elf

and what the strategi
not true okey maybe necros sucks against them but barbs and knights are difficult to elfs on lvl or they were on me
I think virtually every faction can defeat an elf...with the right arts/talents.

But then again, this is my observation in a group battle/duel situation.

If you get ambushed by an elf, that is a different matter entirely hehe.
I have gotta disagree with you. Elves are difficult to knights. Elves do more damage and are faster than knights.
make your necro skill 5 as fast as u can,also buy rings -2 morale +1 luck.Such strategy like in 4th post is good,but elf had many stupid moves....dancers were killed for nothing.Also i think that better if u will kill archers with your skeletons,so u dont need to open them by killing druids.Its really bad move to kill druids because the only skeletons weakness is they low attack,but druids have nice defence,so kill archers,your 50 skeletons with luck(which must be 3) will kill all the elfian archers stack.Druids are quiet dangerous first 2 rounds,but then just revive fallen troops.Its only hard to kill elf when he stay in total defence(i think its the best tactic againts necro),so dancers will stay near to archers and your vamps will die,druids are good in ranged only when luck+faction skill and its very easy to block them.
So i dont see a reason for crying....necro is strongest fraction until 8 lvl(demons is the greatest treat).
I have gotta disagree with you. Elves are difficult to knights. Elves do more damage and are faster than knights.

nah... at this lvl (i.e. 6th) i always thought elves as the easiest faction to beat for knights... they were that easy to kill that even i thought it unfair... later on (when they have EFK) they are more of a match...
closed by jacjac (2009-05-13 23:53:13)
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