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Authorthe details
just notice that its

"lordswm is AN non-commercial"

and your point is?
it's non-commercial. Commercial means you need to compulsorily pay for playing. But this game has no limits on user's approach.
for shimiy:
for sry:
the point the the post was that it says lordswm is AN, no a. wrong english use there and a good find by Terengganu

NOTE: An is only used when the next word starts with a vowl (A,E,I,O,U).
NOTE: An is only used when the next word starts with a vowl (A,E,I,O,U).

I don't think they deserve that 3 graders learning ;)

if in wrong forum my mistake, please move it
then oh... i too found out a mistake

Go to group battles page : Create challenge and TADAA ! The word " Descrpition" is written as "Decrpition"
ha ha i found one

Type : Leather armour plant
in yl (:
Type : Leather armour plant

And exactly what's wrong here?
the u in armor
for shimiy:
some coutries spell it with a U
armour=British English
armor=American and others English
Armour is also the spelling in Australia, NZ and other countries.

It's only spelt armor in US. Rest of the world uses Armour
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