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AuthorThe Best Player
The admins should choose the best player very month every level every faction and every combat level ..

Indicators :
1. The Number of Victories
2. The Exps Gained
3. SP Gained

Rewards : Random GH set or Random Thieve Set arts .. :)

Best regards,

Surely whoever manages to achieve these goals will have already received enough of a reward by receiving more XP/SP than others of their level.

Why would the admins want to add an extra, time-intensive task to their workload to reward people who should already be happy with their gains.
I mean this is intended for stimulating players to fight more and more .. :) or u have another Indicators for this ??

I mean this is like at Premier League ... :) Every month the best player and coach choosen .. :)

This should be like that .. :)
I agree!! Should be nice actually :)
The number of victories/XP/FSP/guild points etc gained have nothing to do with good or bad player.... I often win battles that i play very bad and often lose battles that i do my best, how can this indicate if i am good or bad? Moreover these numbers you mentioned are indication of free time more than skill... Having a lot of XP doesn't mean much ( though having a lot of XP certainly means you are experienced :P ).

If we want to have competitions we can get tournaments every month, that is the only somewhat decent measure of skill in games like this.
Agree with Jabbar.
closed by FaithBringer (2009-05-07 15:29:14)
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