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AuthorFaction Change
I think it would be nice to get rid of or lower the amount of time after changing faction this would let ppl change back if they regret changing faction in the first place. sorry I don't check all forum post so plz don't block me if this have been posted before.
i agree it takes to long to change faction
I don't agree. The reason they have the 1 day waiting period is to prevent people from abusing the feature. For example, a player could switch faction for every battle to a faction that's strong for that particular battle.


Wizards are great for hunting and DEs are great for TG. So a player could switch to wiz for a hunt and then switch to de to do an ambush.
i agree with Javi
besides 24 hours is not very long
The point is that every one can change faction EVERY TIME they want .. :)
i have a friend who changed faction over 6 times and got blokeed! he was only exploring his names chickenhater88
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