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AuthorSetting recall time for TGI
How do you set the recall time for a TGI?
You don't. It's destroyed after being used.
I mean when I get to 2nd level thieves guild can i set a recall time or is it just taken that someone has 1 month to return it instead of me giving him 2-3 months?
for example, you rent the TGI for 2 weeks
So the other person sends it to you, then you use it. The TGI disappeard now and you are part of the thiefs guild and can start doing ambushes
As soon as you reach TG2 (120 victorys) you will receive a new TGI as a reward from the thiefs guild level 2.
You return that TGI + the other things you made in the agreement (gold or artifacts) and the deal is done
When you dont return it within 2 weeks you need to pay some gold for each day you will need extra
And if you dont return the TGI at all, your character will be blocked

Thats the most general agreement between renter and leaser, but ofcourse, you can make your own terms
Thanks, but another quick question....

How would I make other arrangements?
Are there any special things I have to do for these?
Any and all arrangements regarding the TGI are specifically between the person renting the TGI and the person who receives it. If you want to see some of the terms that are on offer then look at the following:

simply talk to the leaser and arege it whith hime
closed by BurgoD (2009-04-27 16:49:14)
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