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AuthorIllegal transfer between mult - violation of 30 % rule
alex112003 (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4411222)is getting gold and ressources from other players, probably a mult, copil1 :

04-24-09 10:48: Received 4889 Gold 10 Ore 20 Wood from copil1 :
04-24-09 10:47: Received 3855 Gold from over11 :
04-24-09 10:38: Received item(s): 'Hunter glove' [10/10] from copil1
04-22-09 06:51: Received 3855 Gold from over11 :
04-21-09 18:55: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from copil1
04-21-09 18:54: Received item(s): 'Master hunter bow' [10/10] from copil1

Neither has a single penny in their pocket.
A roulette addict that ended up breaking rules. And insulting those who refuse him a loan.
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