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AuthorRenting TGI
TGI should be returned in 2 weeks;
20000 gold prepay;
after reaching TG 1 you give your first thief art to me, after reaching TG 2 - give second thief art to me. When TGI is returned to me I will return one of thief arts (my choice)

After 14 days you have to pay 3000 gold/day to me till TGI is returned.

Any transfer of recieved TGI is forbidden. TGI must be returned in one month, otherwise you are to pay me a 500000gold penalty.
During TGI rent selling or exchanging thief arts is forbidden too, penalty for it 40000 gold (payable to me).

If you wish to rent this TGI please contact me.
There is a gold option also just 4000 gold a day, keep the artifacts you get at TGI 1,2 and just send me back the TGI! All rules above apply.
Gold option is now 2750 a day, keep the artifacts you get at TGI 1,2. Send me back the TGI! All rules above Apply.
TGI is in rent, but you can contact me and i will put you on the waiting list so you can get started right when i get it back!
closed by Lord eviltitan (2009-04-26 20:46:41)
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