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AuthorGoodbye LWM. :3
I have changed my email and password to something random and threw away all records of it!
who care?
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Off-game forum".
I care.

bb :)
I care.
Enjoy life. Its good
Good luck with RL! :)

who care?

I care. Most people who have a heart care.
have fun not being tied to this game like LSD, staying up till 00:59 with coffee and pretzels watching a LCD screen.

there's a great big world out there, enjoy living life without worrying if you've enrolled this hour or not.

I care too, sometimes RL and LWM don't mix, like alcohol and calculus
i hope you will forget this game soon so it doesn`t effect you real life

good bye
I care.
Good luck with RL! :)
Guys, since we all of us who cares know how this game affects us. Why don't we care about ourselves?
know how this game affects us
More like how we get affected without this game. Either that, or we are blind to our own faults.
More like how we get affected without this game

I like your style Skuwak. By the way, your sister's name is Hokkien. Where u from? I'm Teochew.
My style? Haha, sounds good.

I'm from Singapore. Ethnic group is Hokkien, but I can only swear in it.
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