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Authorelfking97 -- suspicious transfers

elfking97 receives regular (though modest) transfers from kie65, with no explanation.
pepik has made a series of fairly large, unexplained transfers to gladki:
eternalhero has received largeish sums from deathero and nighthero (3,000 and 6,000 from each so far), who seem likely to be subsidiary characters:
angel_1's transfer log shows a pattern of transfers to and from nec_1, dragon_1, and eagel:

12-17-08 13:15: Received 1000 Gold from nec_1 : thx for your imformation

02-04-09 18:38: Received 3000 Gold from dragon_1 : thx 4 your info
01-31-09 16:30: Received 1000 Gold from dragon_1 : thx for your imformation

11-25-08 20:35: Transferred 2 Gems to eagel : by the way thx for ur information...
12-26-08 20:04: Transferred 1000 Gold to eagel : thx 4 ur info
03-10-09 00:09: Received item(s): 'Hunter bow' [10/10] from eagel
EroenUtGhast's Transfer Log shows a stream of unexplained transfers, especially with NateUlen:
Not only illegal transfers between characters, but five characters at once: See the pages of transfers between the imaginatively named YakuzaLazo, LazoYakuza, lazoyakuza1, lazoyakuza2, and yakuzalazo3.

It's not the first time he's been caught out in funny business:

05-08-09 18:35: Player was imposed a penalty of 5000 gold. // staged combat, warid=10731041
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