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AuthorWhich talent is the best for Barb's talent in each level!
I creat this topic for everyone give their opinion about building barb talent in each level. Which talent is the best for barb in each level? Feel free to give us your opinion. It very appreciate it becasue so manay players comfuse to in build barb talent when they reach a new level!
Forgive me I can only answer till level 7 :

Level - 5 : thrusting might
Level - 6 : might + basic offense
Level - 7 : might + basic offense + battle fury

best regards,

5: luck
6: basic offensive + battle fury (u r not goin to change this 2 racials never)
7: basic offensive + battle fury
8: basic offensive + battle fury + luck

This is my opinion for a lvl 8 player, IMO trusting might is not that good, better to give a boost on ur troops than on the hero, who only has a use on a tactic manner with stun.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1849269 check there
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "General game forum".
With previous topic obsolete, this one will serve as Barb faction topic for now.
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // Off-topic question ask in PM, please.]
6: basic offense + battle fury (u r not goin to change this 2 racials never)

so true :)
hmm, i will close this topic and create a new barbarian topic with proper title
closed by Pang (2009-03-20 09:40:54)
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